The Future Awaits

Chapter Thirty~Four

Two more years pass with the usual ups and downs for all of us. With the boys intensely involved in their PhD work, we see little of them other than on breaks and holidays. True to his word, Paul calls periodically if Tor or I don't happen to go up for occasional research. He tells us Tommy is working harder than he expected, so he has not thought it necessary to advise him to drop back to a MLS. It's not so much the class-work that has me worried as it is his dissertation, especially when he must stand before the committee and defend it.

I can tell it has begun to worry Tommy, too, for he can ill afford the weight he's losing. Mike tells us he, Luc, and Stephan take time now and then to help Tommy in setting up his research. For that reason, I encourage them all to come home for some relaxation whenever possible. One weekend Luc confides in me that he and Stephan always look forward to a weekend with us. Holidays he usually goes home with Stephan, because his own parents have made no attempt to understand the relationship between them. I grieve for them, but it reaffirms my belief in their love for each other. Tor and I reassure them we're eager to have them visit us any time.

All this remembering has occupied my mind while I sit sweating under a blazing sun here in the stadium, tuning out the speeches and the awarding of the many undergraduate degrees. Tor's sudden move to sit upright brings me back to the present. The Wolfs, sitting on the other side of me, are sitting straighter, also.

"Stephan Michael Anson-Torrence, Doctor of Marine Science, suma cum laud," a voice announces, and Mike steps forward to receive his degree. Tor's hand grabs mine and squeezes hard. The Wolfs look at Tor and me in surprise, not knowing before that Mike's first name is the same as their son's.

"Stephen Thomas Parks-Torrence, Doctor of Library Science." Tor and I look at each other with moist eyes, our hearts bursting with pride, for we both know the supreme effort Tommy put forth to reach this moment.

"Lucas Marshall Wade, Doctor of Modern Language." Tor and I see the Wolfs wiping their eyes, for with the rejection by his parents Luc has become another son to them. We're all wondering if Luc's parents have even bothered to come to share this momentous occasion.

"Stephan Mark Wolf, Doctor of Library Science, cum laud." Tor and I smile broadly at his parents, sharing their joy.

As we work our way out of the stadium with the other proud parents to find our sons, I remind myself that with the boys' graduation, Tor and I have also passed another milestone in our lives. The future awaits us all.

To Be Continued In Finale