2012 Series

Return Home ~ A Human Hybrid Warrior Adventure Story ~ 2012 Series



Dracule; Race, refugees from a destroyed world, vampiric however consider drinking human blood for food to be abominable, life span ~2,000 years, create and carry their young in same manner as humans, can create turned vampires, powerful mind-speakers, can change limited shape, cannot tell a falsehood because of mind to mind meld contact, only one known individual that could create Human Hybrids - known as M'beleci Captain of Dracule, omnivores

Turned Vampire; Created only by the exchange of blood fluids with a Dracule (see Dracule above) or a Hybrid (see Hybrid below), light sensitive, strong sunlight is fatal, cannot create other turned vampires, cannot create or bear young, vampiric however consider drinking human blood for food abominable, life span less than 2,000 years, mind-speakers, cannot tell a falsehood because of mind to mind meld contact, extremely loyal to their maker, referred to as childe, omnivores

Hybrid; Correct term is Human Hybrid, created by exchange of blood fluids with two hybrids known as makers, progenitors of the race are known as Roger and Little Bear, somewhat sensitive to strong light, can change shape in many forms, extremely powerful mind-speakers, can combine with other Hybrids or Turned Vampires to create extremely powerful long range mind-sweeps, cannot tell a falsehood because of mind to mind meld contact, can read minds of human, turned vampire and Dracule, believed to be able to control human minds or plant false images, vampiric but consider drinking human blood for food to be an abomination, there is a life-long maker/childe relationship, cannot create or bear young, have an almost fanatic urge to protect humans particularly children, have an intense hatred of those who would harm humans particularly children slavers, can be savage fighters of great ferocity, life span unknown but believed to be greater than 2,000 years, form life long relationship with their mate, only occur in the male form - no known female Hybrids exist, it is not known how many mated pairs exist, also known as Spirit Warriors, Roger is Captain of Hybrids, omnivores


Chapter 1 - CALL FOR HELP


Captain of Hybrids Roger and his mate, Little Bear were spending the morning playing with their children, those whom they had saved during campaigns against slavers. In particular, Teddy, was their youngest and most recent rescue. Teddy had been imprisoned on a slave ship at the tender age of 6 months! He was rescued by an armada of angry Hybrid Warriors and in turn, the love that the tiny baby boy radiated had healed the hurt and anguish of Roger and Little Bear like a gift from God. They adopted the small child and have undertaken his rearing and care. The little boy, now turning 3 was an imp and knew he would be forgiven any trespass! He was crawling all over his Daddy, Little Bear, smothering the man in kisses. His other Daddy, Roger was laughing and encouraging the little "devil"!

 A knock came on the door and their Major Domo, Tong-Fu, a young Turned Vampire who had dedicated his life to the care of his Maker Roger and his mate, entered the room. Tong-Fu bowed, something Roger and Little Bear had given up trying to get him to stop, and said, "Masters, a messenger brings you a telegram."

Roger sat up and replied, "Bring the messenger in please, Tong-Fu."

Tong-Fu bowed and left the room to escort the messenger to his Masters. Both men rose to greet the messenger who said, "Sirs, The Royal Telegraph Service received this message forwarded from Mariposa." He handed the folded telegram to Roger, and both thanked him and offered him a fee, which he refused.

Roger looked at Little Bear in question and then opened the folded message. It read:

Dear Brothers, we received this message this morning from THE LAKE via mind-meld, if we can be of assistance, please ask. El Jefe Bobby

"Roger, we need assistance in the worst way, please respond. -K'tli, Captain of Dracule"

Roger cried, "It must be an emergency for him to call like this!" He mind-screamed, "WARRIORS, ATTEND ME!"

Answering mind-calls came in from all the Warriors in Cairns, "WE ARE COMING!"

Hybrid Warriors began streaming into the residence; soon 8 mated pair of Hybrid Warriors were standing with Roger and Little Bear. Roger said, "Brothers, mind-meld, we must reach to The Lake!"

He reached for Little Bear's hand and then to all the rest, creating a twenty mind meld and began reaching out. The escaping energy caused metal objects in the room to emit sparks and doors to vibrate, further and further he drove the meld, thousands upon thousands of miles they reached.

At the very edge of their consciousness, a mind responded, "I am T'kli, welcome and thank you. We have great need, we are besieged by enemies, we have retreated to the caverns to keep our Humans and Turned Vampires safe, but we cannot hold out much longer!"

Roger replied, "T'kli, Brother, we come. You must hold out!"

While still in mind-meld, Roger broadcast, "Brothers, we meet in Mariposa, ALL HYBRID WARRIORS!"

From all over came replies, "We Come!"

The two Monarchs, King George and King Fala replied, "WE COME!"

Roger turned to Tong-Fu, "You must guard our home, we go to rescue our forebears!" They ran to the balcony, shifting to giant sea eagles as they leaped into the air and sped towards Sydney.

From all directions came racing giant Birds of War. A mind-scream from King George directed them to the Navy Pier, where The HMAS Roger was getting up steam! Roger tried to talk the two young Kings from joining them, but he was flatly refused! When all had assembled, the huge cruiser backed from the pier and headed out of the breakwater at flank speed! The ship's captain, Captain Kilpatrick, had served with the Warriors before, he knew this was an urgent trip and he kept the ship at "Flank" all the way to the Port of Mariposa!

The trip took ten days, a record passage! The rest of the Warriors were waiting on the pier, without pausing, the entire Body of Hybrid Warriors shifted to their fastest flyer forms and launched into the air, headed north! It was the largest flight of these powerful beings ever before seen! Their radiated energy sent ground animals running for cover, birds of the air dove for the nearest perch and fragile tree tips crumpled in ashes as they passed! On they flew, pausing only for rest when absolutely necessary.

At last, The Lake came into view, the town was nothing but crumpled ruins. Camped there were thousands of hideously painted savages, the Warriors flew into their midst in an incalculable rage, shifting to their most fearsome forms as they landed. The savages attempted to flee the combined wrath of the Warriors but it was not allowed. The ground ran red in blood and body parts, the Warriors had encountered these savages before, CANNIBALS! At dusk, the battle still continued, the entire area lit red from the angry glow of the Warrior's eyes! By dawn, the only living things is sight were weary Warriors, staggering in their exhaustion. The bodies of the cannibals were so foul, even the scavengers would not touch them! Not a single Warrior had fallen, except from exhaustion.

Roger sat on a rock, praying to God that the Dracule and their companions were still safe. Tired as he was, he sent his mind forth in search of his forebearers. He heard, "We are here, but must wait until dark to keep our Turned Vampires safe. Truly, you are our saviors, we could not have lasted many more days, our food is gone, our strength depleted. Wait for us."




As the shadows deepened, the first figure to emerge from the blockaded caverns was T'kli himself, gaunt, dirty and weary-looking, his face was drawn and his hands were shaking. When he spotted Roger and his band of war-weary Warriors standing there, waiting for them, he smiled a wane smile and hugged Roger, "Brother, we could not have lasted another day, the food is gone, as is the water, HELP OUR PEOPLE." T'kli collapsed into Roger's arms, both in exhaustion and lack of food and water.

The Warriors, tired as they were, rushed into the caverns and started carrying Dracule, Humans and Turned Vampires out, into the clean, cool night air. They brought water and food that they had collected that afternoon and cooked shortly before T'kli had made his appearance.

When all the refugees had been brought from the caverns, Roger and T'kli, holding each other's hand, spoke to their combined peoples. Roger spoke first, "We are one people, Dracule, Hybrid, Turned Vampire and Human, never again shall we allow ourselves to be separated!"

T'kli told his folk, "We begin today as we shall live forever more, no more hiding, no more distance, one folk TOGETHER FOREVERMORE!"

The folk remained a week, strengthening those who had suffered in hiding and allowing the Warriors to recuperate from their ordeal before starting their trek towards Mariposa. Roger sent all but two mated pairs and Himself and Little Bear, onwards, flying to Mariposa and then some going on to the Island Kingdoms that they might have Warrior protection.

The trek began, travelling only at night so as to not endanger the Turned Vampires. It took them two months to get as far as the ruins where they had rested on the original journey. There, they stopped for a while so that everyone could regain their strength before crossing the desert. They were about to begin the desert crossing when a large band of warriors, bringing horses and wagons arrived led by Hybrid Warrior Pair, Panther and Billy! Andrea led the mounted Mariposa Warriors.

The wagons had been constructed to be sunlight proof and were sufficient to carry all the Turned Vampires and the small children. There were enough horses for the Dracule and Humans, the Hybrid Warriors would fly guard over the caravan. When they reached the land of the Herders, a great Festival of Thanksgiving to The Great Spirit was provided by those people.

While they rested among the Herders, two young boys approached Roger, they bowed and said, "Lord Roger, we are a mated pair but, as you see, we are not whole." The boys were sorely crippled, each had one leg shorter than the other. They continued, "Lord Roger, could you heal us and make us as you, WARRIORS?"

Roger replied, "Yes, we can heal you, are you sure you wish to join us as Warriors?"

The boys, anxious in their reply, said, "Oh, yes, Lord Roger, we are useless as we are, cannot we be made whole and help others?"

Roger smiled and said, "Yes, only if you forget that word, LORD!" He turned to the caravan and announced, "We shall rest here seven days, Little Bear and I have a task to perform!" Roger and Little Bear took the two youths to an unused Herder hut and there they first healed the two boys, Roger healing Nat and Little Bear healing Jor. As the two boys looked at their legs in wonder, Roger said, "No, it is not magic, we but added energy to your own bodies so that they could overcome the defect for you. Are you very sure you wish to continue?"

Nat said in reply, "Oh yes, Lo ... er, Roger we wish to be as you!"

Roger and Little Bear completed the necessary blood exchanges and then sat vigil for the next six days over the boys. On the 7th day, both boys awoke to the wonder of their new abilities. They came out of the hut to the applause and festival of their people. They were the very first Herder Hybrid Warriors ever! The two new Warriors walked around, greeting their people and showing their wonder, two straight, functioning legs! They experimented with flyer shapes and found hawks to be their best. Roger told them to wait for a better time to try their land animal forms, it might be too frightening to their people!

Soon, the caravan continued its march toward Mariposa, overhead flew Hybrid Flyers, leading the way. They finally reached Mariposa and were met by El Jefe Bobby and his Elite Mariposa Warriors, who took over the management of the wagons. As they reached the city, the resident Turned Vampires, a highly respected group in that country, turned out to escort their rescued brethren to a sanctuary. The humans were hosted by families throughout the city and a villa was given over for the use of the Dracule and Hybrids. El Jefe Bobby declared a week-long holiday and the visitors were warmly welcomed to the city.

T'kli took Roger aside, "Never in all our history have humans accepted us so, I can feel the warmth and love from each!" Roger told him of the history of this relationship, going all the way back to his older brother, Bobby. T'kli shook his head in wonderment and said, "Never again shall the Dracule hide from the outside world, we shall be part of it!"

Two heavy cruisers and the ever-present Warrior Cruiser, "HMAS ROGER" arrived from Sydney to convey all those returning to the Island Kingdoms. Captain Kilpatrick, now Commodore, hugged Roger and Little Bear saying, "Tong-Fu awaits you in Cairns!"

Roger laughed, "We have been gone much too long!"

All of the Turned Vampires insisted on remaining with their Dracule but about half the humans remained in Mariposa. The rest of the humans, the Turned Vampires, the Dracule and all the Hybrid Warriors except Panther and Billy, who were resident in that city, loaded aboard the three ships and took their departure from Mariposa amide great rejoicing and festival. They took a more leisurely speed on their return, taking twenty days in transit.

They first stopped in Honolulu where some of the Hybrid Warriors resided. The people there feted the new folk and made them feel welcome. Some would return to that city and make their lives there. They then continued their voyage southward to Sydney where a National Holiday had been proclaimed. Representatives of the Maori People and the Aborigine People, in respect for Roger and what he had done for them, turned out in great numbers, the ordinary citizens also flocked to the Navy Piers to greet the newcomers!

As Roger and his Warriors flew slowly over the crowds as Great Birds of War, the people cheered and waved in greetings to THEIR WARRIORS!




Roger and Little Bear arrived at their home in Cairns, Tong-Fu met them as they landed. He bowed and said, "Master, all is readied, the new rooms for the Turned Vampires are complete and the suites for the Dracule are ready."

Roger replied, "Tong-Fu, what would we do without your service? Cannot I do something for YOU?"

The young Turned Vampire/Major Domo smiled, "Master, you already have!"

Just then Teddy ran up, no longer a toddler, in their absence he had gained 3 years and was now 6 years old! He stood before his fathers and said, "Fathers, I greet you." Then the little boy emerged and he ran to them, smothering each in hugs and kisses.

Roger turned and held Little Bear's hand as he mind-broadcast, "K'tli, all is ready, we await your flight. Transport for your Turned Vampires will depart tomorrow, their quarters, also, await them."

Just then, waves of Dracule shape shifters arrived on the balcony, K'tli in the foremost. He went to Roger and said, "M'beleci chose well, you ARE the savior of the Dracule!"

The entire population of Dracule numbered only 145 individuals, the sole remaining members of that race in the universe! They looked with delight upon their new home and Teddy found himself with new playmates as there were several young Dracule among the newcomers. Even though the life span of the Dracule was great, young boys are young boys, regardless of race! The sound of their happy laughter in play was music to everyone's ears!

The Turned Vampires, who had been rescued from The Lake, arrived the next night in darkness. They were staggered by the magnificence of their new home. Their leader, Wild Eagle, approached Roger and Little Bear, "What tasks may we perform, what service may we do you in payment for our lives and new homes?"

Little Bear replied, "Brother, no payment is required! Brothers do not charge Brothers!"

In their need to serve, the new group of Turned Vampires set about establishing a hospital to care for those the Warriors had freed from slavers and cannibals. In time, that hospital became the premier hospital in the Island Kingdoms. It was extremely rare, but it was not totally unknown for a Turned Vampire to have limited healing abilities. Two such Turned Vampires were among those rescued from The Lake. They became valued staff members of the new hospital!

So needed was their facility, it was required to expand its size almost before it opened! The children's ward alone had two hundred beds! The two healers were frequently seen staggering toward their living quarters in exhaustion! No patient, especially children, would ever be turned away or refused treatment! No charge was ever made for their healing. Patients came from as far away as Mariposa for treatment. El Jefe Bobby commissioned a special ship to be built expressly for patient transport! The ship, M. H. S. BOBBY, made a regular run from Mariposa to Cairns with a stop in Honolulu every two weeks!

The two newest Hybrid Warriors, Nat and Jor made the Hospital, especially the Children's Ward, their special project! They were regularly seen playing with the recovering child patients and would frequently assist the healers when the patient load became greater than the two Turned Vampire Healers could care for! They believed that the Great Spirit had led them to become one with the fabled Hybrid Warriors and it would be wrong to profit from a skill He had given them!

The Dracule used their knowledge and scientific knowledge to establish a University, where all, Turned Vampires, Hybrid Warriors and Humans were welcomed to study. Many new discoveries and adaptations of Dracule Science began to appear in all 3 countries. Radio communication was established, allowing telephone calls to be made among the three nations, new consumer products appeared in markets and books became available for all. Soon, Dracule University had over ten thousand students! It became necessary to establish campuses in Honolulu, Mariposa City and Sydney! T'kli became the first University Chancellor! Roger and Little Bear were frequent guest lecturers, their classes were so popular, they were videotaped and distributed free to anyone requesting a copy!

Many of the conveniences lost during the Great Destruction began to reappear, and research and inventions were again popular. Exploration was undertaken, each with at least one mated pair of Hybrid Warriors for protection and leadership. The pirates, cannibals and slavers kept as far away from the territory of The Warriors as possible. The occasional "quick snatch" they would attempt was met with an incredible fierceness, few of the criminals dared to brave the anger of the Hybrid Warriors and their swift retribution!

It was a period of peace, prosperity and advancement for the four races, Dracule, Human, Hybrid and Turned Vampire, alike but different! Like all periods of history, the races that have inhabited the Planet Earth have been forced to fight for their progress and peace.