2012 Series

Missed Arrivals ~ A Human Hybrid Warrior Adventure Story ~ 2012 Series



Dracule; Race, refugees from a destroyed world, vampiric however consider drinking human blood for food to be abominable, life span ~2,000 years, create and carry their young in same manner as humans, can create turned vampires, powerful mind-speakers, can change limited shape, cannot tell a falsehood because of mind to mind meld contact, only one known individual that could create Human Hybrids - known as M'beleci Captain of Dracule, omnivores

Turned Vampire; Created only by the exchange of blood fluids with a Dracule (see Dracule above) or a Hybrid (see Hybrid below), light sensitive, strong sunlight is fatal, cannot create other turned vampires, cannot create or bear young, vampiric however consider drinking human blood for food abominable, life span less than 2,000 years, mind-speakers, cannot tell a falsehood because of mind to mind meld contact, extremely loyal to their maker, referred to as childe, omnivores

Hybrid; Correct term is Human Hybrid, created by exchange of blood fluids with two hybrids known as makers, progenitors of the race are known as Roger and Little Bear, somewhat sensitive to strong light, can change shape in many forms, extremely powerful mind-speakers, can combine with other Hybrids or Turned Vampires to create extremely powerful long range mind-sweeps, cannot tell a falsehood because of mind to mind meld contact, can read minds of human, turned vampire and Dracule, believed to be able to control human minds or plant false images, vampiric but consider drinking human blood for food to be an abomination, there is a life-long maker/childe relationship, cannot create or bear young, have an almost fanatic urge to protect humans particularly children, have an intense hatred of those who would harm humans particularly children slavers, can be savage fighters of great ferocity, life span unknown but believed to be greater than 2,000 years, form life long relationship with their mate, only occur in the male form - no known female Hybrids exist, it is not known how many mated pairs exist, also known as Spirit Warriors, Roger is Captain of Hybrids, omnivores.


Chapter 1 - CONTACT


Roger and Little Bear were hosting a birthday party for their son, Teddy, who was turning 18 years old! It seemed like time had passed so rapidly, one day he was a babe cuddling in their protective arms and the next, nearly a man! All of the Mated Pair Hybrid Warriors had arrived to celebrate Teddy's Birthday and their Turned Vampire/Major Domo, Tong-Fu and gone all out to make this celebration an event to be long remembered! Roger was standing, watching Teddy cut his cake when, suddenly, felt a mind contact, DRACULE and it was not a Dracule of their colony! Roger's eyes went wide in shock, his mate Little Bear was instantly at his side, initiating mind-meld!

The Dracule demanded, "WHO ARE YOU?" and immediately, "WHAT ARE YOU? You are not a Turned Vampire!"

Roger and Little Bear replied in meld, "We are Human Hybrids, WHO are you?"

The mind demanded further, "WHO IS YOUR MAKER?"

The two Warriors replied, "M'belici, son of M'belec."

The mind responded, "Ahh, that explains all, only the line of M'belec has that power! We must meet, we are refugees and our ship crashed long ago. I am F'tar, son of F'mai. We are just barely surviving!"

Roger and Little Bear mind-screamed, "T'kli, COME AT ONCE!"

T'kli was already on his way to Roger and Little Bear's home as he had been invited to the birthday party. As soon as he arrived, he went into meld with Roger and Little Bear. He recognized the lineage of F'tar and together they queried F'tar asking how many Dracule survived and where they were.

F'tar responded, "Thirty Dracule survive, we are on an island with few natives. We needed to create only four Turned Vampires. Can you follow my mind-stream?"

Roger replied, "I am able to follow your stream. We will go to our surface ship and locate you! Can you survive another several days?"

F'tar sent, "Yes, we can do that, however, we are becoming desperate!"

Roger sent, "WE WILL RESCUE YOU!" Roger mind-screamed, "WARRIORS-ATTEND ME!"

All Warriors were at the party, they instantly came to Roger, who explained the situation. He sent to King George, "Your Majesty may we use HMAS ROGER?"

The King responded immediately, "Yes and King Fala and I will attend!"

Roger and Little Bear explained to Teddy and Tong-Fu the urgency of their departure then joined the Flight of Hybrid Warriors racing towards Sydney. Roger and Little Bear, being the strongest flyers, arrived at the Naval Pier before the others.

The pennants on the mast told them that both King George and King Fala were already on board HMAS Roger and the black smoke roiling out the stack told them that the Engine Room Crew was raising steam as fast as possible! As soon as the Flight of Giant Birds of War landed, they shifted to Hybrid form and ran up the ship's gangway at a dead run. The moment they all were aboard, Admiral Kilpatrick, who had been the Hybrid Warrior's Ship Captain his entire Naval Career, ordered the gangway raised and commanded the Huge Cruiser to get underway, passing the breakwater at Flank Speed!

Once at sea, Roger and Little Bear melded, calling F'tar. The frantic Dracule was waiting for their meld and sent his most powerful mind stream that they might use it as a direction signal. Panther and Billy entered meld and contacted T'kli, "We will maintain meld with you until we locate the Dracule Refugees!"

T'kli responded, "You can do that?"

They replied, "Yes, and more if need be!"

Northward the Cruiser raced at maximum speed, her stern deep in the water as the huge warship fought to gain every advantage her powerful steam turbines could produce, the Engine Room Crew running all the fuel pumps to keep up with the demand for steam! Roger and Little Bear sent, "F'tar, WE COME!" as Roger pointed his arm in the direction needed for the helmsman to follow. The bridge crew was long used to working with these talented Hybrid Warriors and the Helmsman needed no orders to follow Roger's directions!

They passed Hawaii, Fala's Kingdom, and drove further northeast along the Hawaiian Chain towards Okinawa, following F'tar's mind stream. Days passed and still they charged ahead at Flank Speed, F"tar's mind-stream growing ever stronger. At last, they entered the broken remains of the Islands of Japan, F'tar's mind-stream becoming very strong, letting them know the distance was closing rapidly.

After three weeks of pushing the huge warship at, and beyond, its design limits, Roger ordered the helmsman to slow the ship and he mind-screamed, "WARRIORS, ATTEND ME!" Twenty Mated Pair, Hybrid Warriors, including the two monarchs, were instantly on the bridge, entering meld with Roger and Little Bear. Outwards they pushed their search, following F'tar's mind-stream until, at last, they located the failing Dracule Colony. Roger clenched his fist and the Helmsman slammed the engine order telegraph back to Flank! The great ship struggled to resume its race to rescue the Lost Dracules. All off-duty Naval Personnel lined the ship's rails, using binoculars to assist the Warriors in their search.

Finally, the next dawn, smoke was spotted on the horizon, a signal fire had been lighted! The ship was slowed as it approached the coastline of the small island and finally stopped, dropping the anchor in a small bay. The Warriors ran to the foredeck and leaped into the air, changing in mid-leap to their most powerful flyer forms!

As they flew towards the shore, they sent in meld, "F'tar, we have arrived, gather your folk!" Resuming their Warrior forms as they landed, the Warriors ran to the assembled Dracule and Turned Vampires awaiting them on the beach. They found thirty starving Dracule and four Turned Vampires near death! Roger mind-screamed to the two Monarchs, who had remained on board the ship, "Send boats and food immediately or they will yet die!"

The ship's crew immediately loaded the power boats with stored food and water, then headed to the beach under the joint command of King George and King Fala. Soon, food was being cooked and the colony fed, along with the small number of native peoples still surviving. Roger was sitting with F'tar who was explaining what had occurred, "We were surviving until the earthquakes and huge tidal waves hit us. After that, things got worse and worse. We had thought no other Life Ship had survived the destruction of Dracule, that we were alone on this world." He continued, "The native folk helped us as best they were able but many days ago, slavers attacked and we were so few, we could not drive them off before most of our native folk were killed or taken." He began to sob, great tremors shook his body, "We Dracule were so few, that we could not protect those to whom we had promised safety! We are not strong flyers, our folk fell to the slavers trying to protect us!"

Roger's vampiric heritage surfaced, his eyes started to glow red and his fangs went into full drop! He mind-screamed, "WARRIORS, ATTEND ME!"

Hybrid Warriors came running from all directions, a startled F'tar thought, "What has the Line of M'Belec created?"

Roger ordered, "Load all the survivors, Dracule, Turned Vampire and Human, on the ship, WE GO TO WAR! THERE ARE SLAVERS INVOLVED!"

At that hated word, the Warriors' Vampiric Heritage surfaced, eyes turning a fierce burning red glow and their fangs extending to full drop! The Fierce Warriors gently gathered all the survivors, Dracule, Turned Vampire and Human, into the boats and raced for the ship. Roger mind-screaming to Admiral Kilpatrick, who was a human sensitive, to ready the ship for WAR! As they were racing back to the ship, the Warriors went into meld, searching for the slavers. The stream of fear was so great, they found it immediately. F'tar and his surviving Dracule were astounded at the power the Warriors generated, some even were frightened of these powerful beings. Roger, while still in meld, turned to them saying, "Fear us not, you are of our Makers and we will protect you to the last of us!"


Chapter 2 - WAR


As they boarded the ship, the giant screws began to thrash in the water, driving the great ship on its mission. Roger ran to the bridge, followed by his mate, Little Bear and also F'tar, who was fascinated by this immensely powerful Leader! Roger directed the helmsman, who threw the engine order telegraph to FLANK AHEAD and turned the ship to the direction Roger was pointing. The huge ship shuddered and trembled and the steam turbines spooled up to maximum revolutions, the stern squirming and shuddering under the tremendous forces being applied. Toward the mainland of what was once China, the huge Cruiser sped, never slowing until the coastline became clearly visible.

They spotted a small town and a number of sailing ships at anchor. Into the midst of the anchored ships the huge warship drove, splintering hulls and breaking ships in its path. In but a few moments, not a single slave ship remained floating! The Warriors leaped from the Cruiser, changing to Giant Avenging Birds of War, bent on the total destruction of the godless slavers.

As they landed on the shore they again changed shape to fearsome beasts, no being had ever seen before! They raced for the town, tossing slavers in every direction. The Dracule stared in both wonder and horror at what they were watching, slaver body parts were flying into the air, landing on the beach in putrid mounds!

After the screaming had ceased, those still on the ship watched as the Warriors, back in Hybrid form, gently led the men and women slaves down to the beach, carrying young children and babies cuddled in their arms. The Naval Sailors knew their task and were already running their small boats toward the beach in an armada of rescue.


Chapter 3 - NEW WARRIORS


As they began carrying the former slaves to the HMAS ROGER, many were nearly blinded with tears pouring down their faces at the condition of the rescued people. They were sick, starved, beaten, maimed and very frightened. There was no doubt that many would require Turning in order to save their lives! The surviving Dracule leaped into action, soothing the frightened people and healing, alongside the Warriors, those who were injured and wounded.

Again, the Dracule were amazed at these beings, the likes of which they had never encountered before! They were staggered at the power the Warriors commanded! The great ship remained in the harbor for three more days as the Warriors and Dracule, side by side, healed and Turned those who required help to survive.

Two teen boys, Fa-Wa and Tor-Fu, both native people from the island that had been the Dracule Colony, approached Roger, bowing low and, with tears streaming down their faces, said, "Lord Roger, we are brothers, both our parents have been killed and we are alone in this world now. We wish to be as you! We would serve you the rest of our days."

Roger smiled and said, "Never will you serve and I am only Roger, not a lord nor a master!" Continuing, "We will speak further of this after you have eaten and rested. He led the two boys to where the Warriors were eating and taking their leisure.

The boys looked around in wonder, "But, Lor, eer, Roger, you are people like ourselves, not flying demons!"

Roger chuckled, "Indeed we are like yourselves, but with a little bit added."

Tor-Fu hugged Roger tightly and said, "Please, we beg you, make us as you, we must assist you in your war against those who would enslave our people and WORSE, eat them!" Roger's eyes went blood red and his fangs dropped at the mere mention of slavers and cannibals. The two boys never flinched at the sight, only hugged Roger all the harder!

Little Bear told them, "Once done, it cannot be reversed!"

Fa-Wa said through his tears, "We MUST help you in this work, THAT IS OUR DESTINY!"

The two Warrior Leaders each held a boy and announced, "We go into Vigil, we shall return with two new Warriors!" They left for their stateroom, leading the two anxious boys by the hands. In the privacy of their room, they proceeded to exchange blood and sit Vigil over the boys as they underwent the sleep of change for six days. On the 7th day, they awoke and greeted their Makers with loving and caring hugs.

Tor-Fu exclaimed, "It is as you said, I am the same, yet I am different!" He turned to Fa-Wa, who also was sobbing in both happiness and gratitude unto these two wondrous beings, "Brother, once we were merely brothers, now we are BROTHERS!" The boys each hugged their Makers and they all returned to greet their Fellow Warriors.

Fa-Wa, holding his brother's hand announced, "We are as you, we shall be as you! Your battles are our battles, your enemies are our enemies!"

F'tar was standing in the room staring in amazement, he had never witnessed beings such as these Hybrid Warriors, never in all of Dracule History had such beings ever existed!

The HMAS Roger continued cruising the area, searching out those who would enslave others. The Warriors destroyed six additional slaver ports and two cannibal lairs before heading for their home. The two new Warriors, Fa-Wa and Tor-Fu learned their new ways and were ferocious in destroying slavers! Fa-Wa's flyer form was a Sea Eagle and his Land Warrior was a Giant White Tiger, for Tor-Fu it was a huge Falcon and a two-ton Gray Bear! They were soon accepted as experienced Warriors and flew their missions with the other Hybrid Warriors.

T'far's amazement turned into great pride in the works of their relatives and was looking forward to bringing his folk into this Family of Incredible Beings!

The huge warship docked in Sydney in the early evening, allowing even the Turned Vampires to disembark immediately. T'kli, Teddy and Tong-Fu were waiting for them on the pier, Teddy screaming, "DADDIES!", as he raced towards Roger and Little Bear.

The new Dracule were immediately welcomed into the colony and were soon engaged in activities such as medicine, science and teaching. Roger and Little Bear had taken several days to go fishing on the Great Barrier Reef and were just returning. Both Tong-Fu and Teddy met them at the door. Roger could sense that both boys were highly agitated, but refrained from reading either boy.

Teddy began, reaching for Tong-Fu's hand, "Eerr, ugh, Daddies, Tong-Fu and I are mates."

Tong- Fu looked very frightened, "Masters, I love your son and we both wish to be Warriors and stand at your side!"

Roger and Little Bear felt as if they had been pole-axed, they were stunned. Roger's first reaction was to deny the request, but Little Bear spoke, "Boys, SONS, I have long known of your love for each other, but this is a big step that you ask!"

Roger spoke, looking at Little Bear, "We cannot and will not deny your love for each other, but what you ask, cannot be changed once it has been done."

Teddy cried, "Daddies, there are none so great as yourselves, no other could we wish to be with than you. Will you have us?"

Roger and Little Bear both, together replied, "Sons, none other than ourselves would we allow to do this thing! Let us go into Vigil!"

Roger mind sent, "WARRIORS, we go into VIGIL for our SONS, Teddy and Tong-Fu! Await our return with two new WARRIORS!"

There was a universal mind-shout, "WE WILL WAIT FOR OUR NEW BROTHERS!"

Roger and Little Bear led the two to their darkened Vigil Room in the lower level of their home and there, they exchanged blood with their beloved sons and then sat in Vigil while the boys slept for six days during change, holding each boy in their embrace. On the 7th day, Teddy and Tong-Fu awoke as WARRIORS and immediately felt Warriors' Minds all around them.

They emerged to find the entire LODGE OF WARRIORS assembled, Panther and Billy stepped forward saying, "Greetings Brother Warriors, we have been waiting for you."

All the Warriors opened their minds to the Newest among them, showing them the love they had for each. Teddy and Tong-Fu were nearly overwhelmed with their emotions, the absolute love and devotion each Warrior sent them put them to tears! There can be no greater love and trust than an open mind, without barriers! Many bodies, one mind in meld! Each of those powerful beings, FABLED WARRIORS ALL, took it upon himself to impart all their store of knowledge and skills to the sons of their beloved Leaders.




The two Monarchs, King George and King Fala asked an audience of their fellow Hybrid Warriors. When all had assembled they asked for meld so that all might participate. King George began, "Hybrid Warrior Leader Roger and Hybrid Warrior Leader Little Bear, what we are about to say and do cannot be changed! El Jefe Bobby does honors in Mariposa." The Kings stood with their ceremonial scepters in their right hands. King George began, "Hybrid Warriors, please kneel"

The Kings then touched each Warrior on each shoulder, saying, "WARRIOR, WE DUB YOU KNIGHT OF THE TWO KINGDOMS AND MARIPOSA!"

Before anyone could object, King Fala continued, "LORD ROGER, LORD LITTLE BEAR, WE NAME YOU LORDS PROTECTOR OF THE THREE NATIONS!" King Fala ended the ceremony by saying, "ONCE DONE THIS DEED MAY NOT BE UNDONE!" Continuing he said, "Rise Lords Protector and Knights. We rejoice this day, safe under your protective shield!"

King George opened the double doors to the street, where the crowded populace stood respectfully quiet, and announced, "BE IT KNOWN TO ALL, OUR BELOVED HYBRID WARRIORS ARE LORDS AND KNIGHTS OF OUR KINGDOMS AND ALLIES. WELCOME LORDS PROTECTOR ROGER AND LIITLE BEAR AND ALL THEIR KNIGHTS!" At King George's announcement, the assembled crowd went wild, cheering and waving to the stunned Warriors!

The two Monarchs stood before Roger and Little Bear saying, "Had we asked you, you would have refused honor. You and your Warrior Knights have given our peoples so much, asking nothing in return. This is but the very least we can do FOR YOU!"

Teddy and Tong-Fu stood at attention before Roger and Little Bear, saying, "Lords Protector, we, your sons, are first to submit!" They then kneeled in front of their Fathers and repeated, "I, Sir Teddy - I, Sir Tong-Fu do hereby submit to the authority of my Lords Protector for so long as I shall live, SO HELP ME, GOD/GREAT SPIRIT!"

Each Mated Pair Hybrid Warrior repeated that oath in witness of their fellow Warriors and their Kings! The thronged audience quieted until the last Oath had been given, then the crowd went wild, joyful cheering broke out throughout the city and was relayed to the Capitols of all three nations. There, also, the cheering was heard throughout the night! Immediately after the last Mated Pair Warriors gave their Oath, the telephone rang, Turned Vampire Wang-Li, the new Major Domo who had replaced Tong-Fu in that honor, held the phone so that all could hear the screams and cheers coming from Mariposa.

Panther and Billy had mind-sent the ceremony to a Turned Vampire Sensitive who repeated the entire ceremony to those attending El Jefe Bobby and it was also sent by loudspeakers to the crowded Palace Plaza in that city! These wonderfully powerful beings were bonded to the hearts of every citizen in all three nations! When that fact registered upon the minds of those beings, they were stunned into silence.

Roger stood to speak for his Warriors, "Citizens of the Three Nations, I, Lord Roger, Captain of Hybrid Warriors, Leader of the Warrior Lodge, Lord Protector of the Three Nations pledge to you our protection unto our last breath, may we be shunned by all good folk should we shirk this duty in the slightest! So help us God/Great Spirit!"

Then the Warriors joined meld, all forty mated pair, and sent a wave of energy out so powerful that the glass in the windows melted and ran down the walls, trees torched into flames and nails shot out of building walls, "Cannibals and Slavers, you are warned. Know that to harm a single Human, Turned Vampire or Dracule is punishable only by death, no exceptions, no escape!" The wave of energy they sent registered even upon those not sensitive and reverberated within their brains until they screamed in agony! All the Dracule present, both those recently rescued as well as their own Family, looked upon the Hybrid Warriors in both respect and fear. Never in their long collective memory had beings of such immense power ever been encountered, that these Warriors had pledged their very souls to them was almost beyond belief. They could as easily become their conquerors!

The home of Roger and Little Bear was becoming crowded, recent additions of those rescued had raised the Turned Vampire population to over seven hundred and there were two hundred Dracule also, along with twenty mated pair Warriors now that Teddy and Tong-Fu had joined those ranks!

Construction was begun on a new compound the local populace had begun calling "FORT WARRIOR"! The High Chieftain of the Maori People asked that a Mated Pair of Warriors be assigned to their lands and Roger felt it only proper to do the same for the Aborigine Folk also. Teddy and Tong-Fu asked to be assigned to the Maori People. Fa-Wa and Tor-Fu asked to be assigned to the Aborigine People! Delegations from both Folks soon arrived to escort their very own Hybrid Warriors to their new assignments. Two additional Heavy Cruisers, sister ships to the HMAS Roger were built and one was assigned to Hawaiian Waters and the other to Mariposa. Accompanying all three ships were also squadrons of Destroyers and supply ships. Admiral Kilpatrick assumed overall command of the WARRIOR FLEET and other ship captains, all of who had prior working experience with the Fabled Warriors clamored for the other command assignments!

Chief Petty Officer William Boyle, Lord Roger's long-time helmsman, was offered the assignment of Bridge Command Chief Petty Officer on the Flag Ship, HMAS ROGER! He accepted the position proudly and personally trained other Chief Petty Officers for the HMAS TEDDY and the HMAS LITTLE BEAR! The entire WARRIOR FLEET was comprised of more than twenty major warships and a large number of auxiliary vessels! A second Hospital Ship was built and commissioned the MHS PANTHER, the third ship of that class was begun and would be named the MHS BILLY!

Once again, peace settled upon the three nations. Trade expanded and major innovations began to stream from Dracule University. Neighboring Island Communities begged admittance to The Two Kingdoms and the Herders requested that they be named a sister state to Mariposa! The Cabo de Warriors Colony was re-established and a large fort was built, FORT EL BOBBY, and manned with five hundred Elite Mariposa Warriors! Another permanent colony was established at BAHIA DE LOS ANGELES with a small fort and National Park staff.

Yet another Mariposa Fort and Community was established at the old ruined city on the northern border of the sister state, Herder, and was named BAKERSFIELD after the original home of El Bobby and his Family. The larger islands of what had once been South America were colonized and admitted to Mariposa as the State of SUD. A small fleet of war ships was permanently stationed in Sud under command of a Naval Officer long experienced with the Hybrid Warriors, Admiral Juan Cortan of Mariposa. Lords Roger and Little Bear looked forward to the quiet life of their Great Barrier Reef home, hoping beyond hope that there would be no further emergencies. Will there?

This ends this part of our record of The Hybrids, more tales shall be told of them.