
Chapter Twenty~Six

Jack Ferman and Larry Waverly walked into Lester Marrett's barn about two one afternoon.

"Well, talk about good neighbors. I see you come to help me clean up this shit."

Larry's conversation was a great deal coarser than Jack's. "We come to help you clean up some shit but not this shit."

Larry and Les had been high school and bachelor buddies until Les got married about seven years ago. They were still good friends and were still as blunt with each other as they had been in their high school and bachelor days. "And just what shit would that be?"

"The shit in your house."

"Well, Lil will be glad of that. You come to change the baby's diaper?"

"No, I'm talking about the shit you do to Suzy."

Les's face was blank for a moment, and then became slightly offended. "I don't do nothing to Suzy."

"That, asshole, is the problem. You don't do nothing to her or for her."

"Well, I do. I buy her food, her clothes, give her a home. I give her an allowance. What else does she need?"

"Do you ever tell her you love her?"

"She's too old for that now."

"Tell me this, why do you make over your other kids?"

"They're my blood kids. That's natural. You try to put a calf on a cow that ain't hers; she'll give it a sniff and kick it away." Les was seeing the point and getting defensive.

"Well hell, I've knowed you was no smarter than a cow since high school."

Jack interrupted. "I know you guys have been friends for years but it seems to be getting a little hot here. We've got an important point to make."

Larry laughed. "It's not getting hot, Jack. That's the way you have to talk to this dunderhead to get him to listen. Sorry about the language. I know you don't like it but when I'm with Les, I forget. We been talking to each other like that so long. I got to start remembering though. I wouldn't want my kids to hear me talking like that."

Jack continued. "Do you understand what we're trying to say, Les?"

"I think I do and I'm embarrassed. I guess eleven years old is not that grown up. Suzy probably needs affection as much as the little ones. I do love her. She can be hard to get along with sometime. She has a smart mouth but I do love her."

"My daughter, Janet, was like that and she's the reason we're here. Since Suzy was acting a lot like Janet used to, my daughter figured that it might be for the same reason. Janet got her to tell her and Millie what was upsetting her. You know what she said? She said that she didn't think she meant anything to anybody. That girl needs your love and affection and praise, and you need to see to it that her mom has time to give it to her too. God, you're a pig headed old fart. Blind as a bat."

When Larry said, "My daughter, Janet," the pride literally poured from his voice.

"Won't be from now on. It's a handful in that house with all them kids and I ain't sure how but things will change. Thank you, Jack. And I guess I thank you too, Lar, but you need to spend more time with Jack. Maybe you could learn to be a gentleman but I doubt it."

That evening when the littler children were in bed, Les called Suzy to him and put her on his lap and hugged her. "Sorry honey, I've been stupid. I love you. I knew I did but just forget to tell you and show you."

Suzy didn't know about the afternoon conversation in the barn but she hugged back hard and thought Wow! This prayer thing really works!