The Collector Series: Old Juan

Old Juan

Chapter 1 - HOMECOMING

Juan struggled off the steps of the train at the small station in Deming, New Mexico. Looking around, he spotted his sister, Anita, along with his brother-in-law, John and his twin nephews, Juanito and Carlos. The twins ran to him and hugged him fiercely; they had been only 6 when he last saw them, now they were young men at 13 years old! The two boys stood back from their Uncle and saluted him, holding the salute until he returned it. Juan looked around, knowing he would not see his beloved Danny, who was the same age as his nephews.

Carlos, always the shy one of the two, took Juan's hand and whispered to him, "We have been looking for Danny, last week Daddy took us to Dallas looking for him."

Juan had always been close to his brother-in-law, John, they had grown up together, almost like brothers. John walked up to him and hugged him, saying, "Welcome home Brother." At that, Juan, lost all control of his emotions and had to be supported to keep him from falling to the ground.

Anita came to Juan's other side and wrapped her arms around her brother, "Juanny, the boys and I have cleaned up your house and there is food in the 'fridge, let's get you home." They guided Juan to their car and drove around to the baggage claim to rescue his few belongings before heading up the mountains to Hurley.

As they rode along, John said to Juan, "I got you a new car with the money you sent, I got a brand new International Scout, complete with automatic transmission."

Juanito spoke up and said, "Yeah Unca' Juan, and its bright red!"

Juan smiled at his nephew and told him, "Ok, but I get to drive it first!" Juanito giggled and sat back, holding his Uncle's hand. Carlos was on Juan's other side, snuggled under his arm. Juan leaned back and closed his eyes, wondering how hard it would be to go into that empty house, with all its memories. He had grown up in that house, gotten married in that house and brought his son home to that house.

The long drive was finally over and John drove into the yard of the rambling old house. The lawn had been trimmed, the bushes were neat and a new glider sat on the wide front porch. Juan got out of the car and struggled up the steps, John and the boys carried his suitcases and trunk into the house. Juan turned to his sister, "Nita, I need to be alone for a while, maybe tomorrow we can all get together, ok?"

Anita hugged her older brother and said, "Sure, Juanny, you get some rest and we'll come over in the morning with all your mail and get you settled in." She kissed her brother and gathered up her brood, over her shoulder she said, "Love ya', welcome home."

After they had left, Juan limped over to the recliner that had been his father's and sat down heavily. After a few minutes, great racking sobs tore at his body, he was unable to stop before his shirt was soaked with tears. He held his face in his hands, wailing in despair, he was a cripple and alone. He finally succumbed to weariness and fell into a deep sleep. About 3 am, he woke and decided he had at least better make an attempt to sleep in his bed, surprisingly, he fell back asleep in the bed and did not resurface until nearly 9 am! He struggled into consciousness hungry as a bear, so he washed up and slipped on a pair of shorts and a tee-shirt. He wandered into the kitchen and found that his sister, 'Nita, had gone all out stocking the pantry and refrigerator. He started cooking some bacon and eggs, slicing some fresh Hatch green peppers and swirling them into the eggs. He heard a knock on his door, thinking it was his sister, he hollered out, "It's unlocked, come on in."

He continued stirring his eggs when a quiet knock on the door jam to the kitchen made him look up and see a young man, about 25 years old, shocking red hair sticking out in every which direction and a smile on his freckled face saying, "Mr. Moralis, I hope?"

Juan nearly dropped his stirring spoon in surprise, he stammered, "Uuuuh, yeah, Juan Moralis, I was expecting my Sis."

The man replied, "I'm sorry, Bill Cochran, I tried calling yesterday, but nobody was home."

Juan chuckled and said, "Yeah, I just got in from Tucson last night, what can I do for you, Mr. Cochran?"

The man explained, "Just call me Bill, Mr. Cochran is my Dad. We are Cochran & Son, and I would like to talk to you about your 5,000 acre property just to the east of us."

Juan looked at the man sharply, "That is just rangeland and scrub pine out there." He continued, "How about joining me for a cup of coffee while I feed the beast under my belt?"

Bill Cochran sat to the table and said, "Viet Nam?"

Juan replied, "Yeah."

The man continued, "My Brother didn't come back, we used to be Cochran and Sons." Juan remained quiet, not really knowing what to say as the visitor tried to control his emotions. All was quiet while Juan ate his breakfast and they drank their coffee, the man began, "Mr. Moralis, we have reason to believe there is a substantial deposit of copper under your property. We are not a big outfit like Kennecott up the road, but we would like to take an option on your property and see if it can be developed."

Juan asked, "What terms would you offer?"

Bill Cochran replied, "Dad thought that $250,000 a year for a five year option would be about right. After that, if the deposit proved out, 20% of the profits until the ore body is depleted."

Juan sat there, kind of stunned, then he stammered, "WOW!" Continuing, Juan said, "How about I pass this by my Brother-in-law, John Peters?"

Bill Cochran said, "Sure thing, we have already contacted Mr. Peters, that is how I knew that you were due back home." He continued, "Here is our check for $50,000 as a non-refundable binder. We will contact you after you have spoken to Mr. Peters, he has a reputation as a fine and honest lawyer so we feel confident he will advise you well." At that, Bill Cochran departed, leaving Juan's head swirling.

He struggled to his feet and called his brother-in-law's office up in Silver City. John answered the phone himself, "Well, that was fast, what did you think of Bill Cochran?"

Juan replied, "You rat, John, the least you could have done was to warn me!"

John laughed and said, "Bro, you needed something like this to spring the cage you have built around yourself. The Cochrans are about as honest a bunch as you will ever find, I already know their offer and can tell you that it is far better than what Kennecott would give you! My advice is to sign that $50,000 check and go into the copper business!"

He locked the check in his father's old roll-top desk and stepped out into the garage. Parked there was a brand-new International Scout 4 X 4 and it truly WAS bright red as his nephew, Juanito, had exclaimed! He tripped the switch to open the garage door and carefully backed the vehicle out. He engaged the 4-wheel drive lever and drove the new vehicle out, into the rangeland behind the house. He drove out through the scrub trees and finally came to the top of a low hill, where he could see for miles. He shut off the engine and sat there in the quiet and finally said, more to himself than anything, "Well Pop, if I sign that check I will have enough money to look for Danny, but this land was settled by your father's father. What should I do?" The wind blew gently through the trees, making them seem to nod. After a few minutes, Juan restarted the Scout and turned around for home, he had come to the conclusion that a one-legged man sure couldn't run cattle anymore!

Little did he know just how wrong he was, but it would take a small boy to prove it to him! When he returned to the house, he called the phone number on the card Bill Cochran had attached to the check, the phone was answered immediately by, what sounded like an older man. He asked for Bill Cochran and the voice replied, "Junior or Senior?"

Juan stammered, "uuuuh, Junior, I guess."

He heard the voice call, "Hey, Billy, you got a phone call!" then, "This is Bill Cochran, how may I help you?"

Juan replied, "Mr. Cochran, this is Juan Moralis, I have decided to accept your offer, what do I need to do?"

Bill Cochran said, "For starters, STOP calling me Mr. Cochran, just call me Bill or, I will even answer to Billy."

Juan chuckled and replied, "Only if you call me Juan!" Thus began a relationship that was to last for nearly sixty years!

Juan's sister, Anita arrived with the Twin Terrors, as she called them, Juanito and Carlos and started in cleaning the breakfast dishes in the kitchen. She spotted the second coffee cup so she asked Juan, "Was a certain messy red head here already?"

Juan retorted, "Am I the last one to know about all this?"

Anita laughed and told him that nobody knew except them and the Cochrans, it has been kept secret until he got home. She went to him and hugged her big brother, saying, "Juanny, isn't it time something good happened to you?"

Later that day, Juan went up to Silver City to deposit his check and to sign the agreement with Cochran & Son. He learned they were Senior and Junior. Bill Sr. had a fringe of red/grey hair around an otherwise bald head, while Bill, Jr. had a wheat shock of fire engine red hair that defied all efforts to comb! Juan stayed in Silver City and had supper with the Cochrans, he found them to be pleasant, down to earth good folks and he looked forward to working with them. It was just after 9 pm as he carefully drove the narrow road back to Hurley. He was not all that familiar yet with the Scout and he was a bit unsteady still on his prosthesis. He came around a curve and the headlights picked up a teen sized boy carrying a bundle. He jammed on the brakes, nearly locking them up as he was unused to power brakes. He got the Scout stopped and he backed up to where he had seen the boy, but saw nothing. He struggled out of the car and walked with his cane to the side of the road, calling out, "Are you all right, did I hit you?"

A voice replied, "We are ok, please go away!"

Juan again called out, "Son, I can't leave you out here, it is too dangerous. I am coming down to you." He limped down the embankment in the direction he heard the voice and discovered a dark form huddled over a bundle.

The voice said, "Please mister, don't hurt us, it's just me and my baby brother."

Juan said, "Son, I'm not gonna hurt anybody, come up to the car with me, at least I can take you to my house and we can call your folks."

The boy wailed, "NOOOOOO, they will hurt us!"

Juan was staggered by this so he put his arm on the boy's shoulder and said, "Come with me, we can get this straightened out and NOBODY is going to hurt you. I promise!" The boy reluctantly followed Juan back to his car and they got in. Under the dome light, Juan could see that the boy was very dirty and had bloody scabs on his face, he looked to be about 15 years old. Once they were in the car, he started up the Scout and headed for his home. When they got there, he helped the boy into the house and turned on the lights. The boy sat on the couch, holding the bundle tightly. Juan said, "Is that your brother?" The boy nodded and Juan reached for the bundle, He opened it and found an infant, very dirty and obviously undernourished. He thought to himself, "There is something terrible wrong here!" To the boy, he said, "I am going to call my younger sister, she will help us with your little brother, ok?" The boy nodded yes, so Juan, still holding the baby, hobbled over to the telephone and called Anita, "Nita, don't ask any questions, I am holding a sick baby boy in my arms and I need some help, NOW!"

Anita hung up without a word and told John briefly what Juan had said, then she jumped in their car and raced for Juan's house, which was only a few blocks away. She ran up the front steps and burst into the room, the boy screamed, "Don't hurt us, Don't hurt us!"

She skidded to a halt and looked at the young boy. Kneeling beside him, she said, "Nobody is going to hurt you. May I help my brother with your brother?" The boy just nodded and she took the bundle from Juan's arms. As she opened up the blanket that the child was wrapped in, she discovered a very dirty and malnourished baby, about 6 months old. She turned to the boy and said, "Let's you and I give the baby a bath?" She walked into the bathroom and the boy followed her. The baby was incredibly dirty and it took three water changes before the baby boy was clean. She wrapped him in some clean dry towels and brought him out to Juan. She then said, "I am going to run to the corner store and get some food for the baby, why don't you get a bath yourself?" The boy nodded and Juan sat in the recliner, holding the baby while the boy went to get cleaned up.

Anita was back very quickly with an arm load of baby things, she took the baby from Juan and started to feed him, the little guy was almost frantic and slurped up three jars of baby food and drank a whole bottle of formula in almost one gulp! Juan went to get some clothing that might fit the boy and handed them to him through the door. The boy came out, shyly and looked at his baby brother.

He said, "Thank you, M'am, I don't think either of us would have lasted much longer."

Juan motioned for the boy to come to him, he asked, "Son, will you tell us your names and what is going on?"

The boy replied, "Yes sir, I am Bobby Forester and this is my brother James. I am 15, our folks are drunks and they left us a week ago. The food finally ran out and I was headed to Hurley to get help for my brother." At that he dissolved into tears and folded himself into Juan's arms.

Both Juan and Anita were holding back their own tears with great difficulty. Anita looked at Juan, who nodded his head, "Yes" so she stood, still cuddling the baby, and telephoned John, "John, we need you NOW!"

It was just a few minutes when John came running on foot from their house. Two boys were scarcely inches behind him. All three skidded to a stop in Juan's living room, Juanito shouted, "Bobby! Bobby Forester, what is wrong?" Juanito and Carlos ran to Bobby and held him, Bobby managed to tell them what he had told Juan. Juanito said, "This is my Uncle Juan, he is a soldier, he will make everything right for you!"

Juan could no longer restrain himself, he burst into tears and told John, "Do whatever you must, I WANT these boys! You know I have the resources now, do whatever you have to do so they can stay with me!"

Bobby looked at Juan and said, "You WANT us, sir, we are just road trash!"

Juan pulled Bobby onto his lap and said, "Son, you are NOT road trash, you and baby James are precious little boys and I want you to live with me!"

That very afternoon, Juan had both boys with him in Penny's at Silver City buying new clothes, shoes, a baby crib, baby toys, and a bicycle for Bobby. He saw Bill Cochran on the street outside City Café, they stopped and talked for a few minutes, then Bill noticed that Juan had a baby carrier on his arm and teen boy standing beside him. He said, "I didn't think you had any children?"

Juan replied, "These are my sons, Bobby and James!" Bobby's eyes bugged out and he held onto Juan's hand almost to break his fingers! That afternoon, Juan sat on the front porch rocking James as he watched Bobby ride his new bicycle around the front drive.

John drove up and got out of his car, as he climbed the steps to the front porch, he said, "You owe me one, Bro! I actually out-talked Judge Sanchez! The boys are yours and after one year, if you want, you can apply for adoption."

Juan started to reply, "I will want..."

Bobby came flying off his new bicycle and landed in Juan's lap, crying, "Daddy, Daddy, Daddy!"

The two boys went a long way towards healing Juan's heart, but he still longed for his son, Danny.

The summer was rapidly ending, Juan got Bobby registered for school and the contractors for Cochran & Son had begun tearing up the earth. They told him that the test bores showed the ore body to be about 100 feet below the surface and was nearly 8% copper! They had only to prove the assay and determine the size of the ore body and they would be in business. Juan had contacted a detective agency to search for his missing wife and son, Danny. Bobby was a big help with the baby, who was finally growing like a weed! Juan decided that the boys needed an outing, so he told them they were going to spend the weekend before school started in Las Cruces. He felt much more comfortable now driving the Scout and he had gained a new steadiness on his prosthesis.

They left on Friday afternoon for Las Cruces; it was a nearly six hour drive, so it was late afternoon by the time they reached the hotel. They had driven through the University Campus to get to the hotel, Bobby was fascinated by the ROTC Cadets practicing marching on the quad. Bobby had Juan stop so he could watch, he could almost see the wheels turning in the boy's head. He thought, maybe I had better see if the high school offers JROTC!

They had a fabulous weekend, they went to the zoo and a circus Saturday morning and Walt Disney movie in the afternoon. Sunday morning, they had breakfast at a new restaurant called "Cracker Barrel". Bobby had Pecan Pancakes until he had to unbutton the top of his jeans! He groaned most of the way back home!

The next day was the first day of school, Bobby came racing home on his bicycle, with a sheaf of papers. He raced into the house and handed Juan a form, saying, "You gotta sign, Dad, you gotta sign!"

At the word "Dad", Juan would have signed most anything! The form was to join the Army JROTC! Juan had no choice, that boy was wound up like an 8-day clock! Again, the fates were at work, but neither knew it yet! In a couple years, an astounding revelation was to come out!

At the end of the first six weeks of school, Bobby brought home a note from his Homeroom Teacher, Mr. Hamilton. He said that Bobby had demonstrated an enormous improvement in grades and deportment and that he was well on the way to academic excellence! Juan hugged the boy and told him how proud he was of him. Bobby cried a bit and told Juan that nobody had ever congratulated him like that.

That evening, after supper, Bobby came to Juan and said, "Dad, can we talk?"

Juan replied, "Sure, let's go sit down."

They sat in the living room and Bobby said, "Dad, do we have to wait a year for you to adopt us? Our old parents are not coming back, besides, they didn't like or want us anyway!"

Juan said, "Well, let's give Uncle John a call and see what he says. Why don't you call him and ask him over?"

A few minutes later, John came up the steps and let himself in. He said, "OK, Bobby, what's so important?"

Bobby replied, "Uncle John, can you make Dad our REAL Dad, now and not wait for a year?"

John laughed, "Yup, all I needed was to hear you say that! I'll go see Gabby Sanchez in the morning!"

Before the week was out, both Bobby and James were Moralis'! Each month the detective agency would send Juan report of where they had searched, always with negative results. Juan's dreams of Donny were getting more and more distant.


It was nearing Christmas Vacation from school and Juan received a notice from the VA that he was due for a six months checkup at the VA Hospital in Tucson. He thought that would be a fine vacation for the boys, so he made an appointment for the checkup. They arrived in Tucson the night before and got up early for the appointment. There was a daycare center that James could stay but Bobby would have to stay with Juan, they didn't think that would be a big problem. Juan's records were updated to include the boys and Bobby was actually a big help in removing Juan's prosthesis and steadying him for the physical. It all went quickly and they were back at the hotel by mid-afternoon. With some free time, Juan took them sightseeing on the University Campus, as they drove around, Bobby spotted the ROTC Cadets out marching.

Juan did a double take, he saw an officer observing the marching cadets, he was his old Commanding Officer Major Bellingham! Juan stopped the car and took the boys over to meet the man, only he was now Colonel Bellingham! Juan introduced Bobby to the Colonel and said that he was in high School JROTC. The Colonel asked Juan if he might show the boy around, Juan saw no harm and Bobby was flying high.

Once they were out of earshot, the Colonel leaned over and said, "Can you keep a secret?" Bobby said he could and the Colonel whispered something in Bobby's ear. Bobby's eyes flew wide open. The Colonel reminded Bobby that it was his secret and he was to say something ONLY at the appropriate time!

Bobby rejoined the Family and they returned to the hotel. Bobby kept looking at his Dad and smiling, but he said nothing. The next morning, they all headed back to Hurley, Juan decided to take the route from Lordsburg up to Silver City and then back down to Hurley. They had lunch in Lordsburg and then headed out across the desert towards Silver City.

About half way up the mountains Bobby screamed, "STOP!" Juan jammed on the brakes and stopped the car. Bobby jumped out and ran into the bushes. Seconds later, he returned dragging an Indian boy by the hand.

Juan got out of the car and walked up to the two, he said, "Son, whatever are you doing out here?"

The boy looked down at his feet and mumbled, "Got nowhere to go."

Juan looked at Bobby, who nodded his head. Juan picked the boy up, he looked to be about 14 years old but was skinny as a fence post. He put him in the back seat and they started out. It was getting late, so Juan decided to take the boy to their home and figure it out in the morning. When they got home, Bobby held onto the boy and led him in the house. Juan sat down and Bobby brought the boy over to him. Juan said, "Son, who are you and why were you out there?"

The boy began to sniffle and said, "You don't want me here, I am not a good person."

Juan started to get upset, "Why don't you let me be the judge of that, what is your name?"

The boy replied, "Roger Knife and my Dad said to never come back!"

Juan screamed, "WHAT?" then he said, "Bobby, go call Uncle John and tell him we need him, yesterday!"

Bobby did just that and before he could get back to the living room, squealing tires were heard coming down the street! John came running into the house, he looked at Juan and the boy standing next to him and groaned, "Do I have to go listen to Gabby Sanchez again?"

The boy began to cry, "You don't want me here, I might infect your son, I think I am gay!"

Juan grabbed the boy and hugged him, "You can't infect Bobby unless he was born that way. Gay is not a disease!" He turned to John and said, "I want this boy, make it happen!" At that, the boy dissolved into sobs, thoroughly wetting Juan's shirt. John finally got all the information he needed and left, muttering to himself about having to listen to Judge Sanchez's awful stories again.

After Roger was finally cried out, Bobby took him to the bathroom to get cleaned up and found some of his clothes the boy could wear. Juan and Bobby fixed supper that night, tacos, store bought enchiladas, refried beans and flan for dessert! Roger drank nearly a quart of milk by himself!

Juan thought to himself, "What kind of home life did this kid have? Any at all?" It was two days before Christmas, Juan told the boys he had some errands to run, that he would be back in a short time. He rushed to the General Store, the only store in Hurley, and started grabbing things off the shelves.

His cousin, Alfredo, was tending the store and asked, "You got a run on kids?"

Juan just laughed and said, "No, just a new son!" Alfredo thought it was just a joke, so he laughed. After snatching up an armload of wrapping paper, Juan checked out and headed home.

Roger was exhausted so Juan sent Bobby with him to bed. As soon as everything went quiet, Juan went out to the car and hauled in the presents. He was busy wrapping when a pair of arms went around him. Bobby hugged him and said, "Thanks Dad, you're the greatest!" He then went back to bed.

Juan thought, "No son, YOU ARE!" He then stacked all the wrapped packages under the tree. Bobby was careful not to notice them, so Roger never realized that the stack had grown.

The next day, Christmas Eve, they were all invited to John and Anita's for dinner. She had cooked a turkey, made pumpkin pies plus all the traditional Mexican foods for Christmas. Juan walked in with all the boys, they were overwhelmed with delicious smells.

John handed Juan an envelope and pointed to Roger shaking his head, "Yes". He then whispered, "You OWE me, Bro!" The boys ate themselves into a stupor, even James got to gnaw on a turkey bone!

It was late when they returned to the house, Bobby steered Roger past the tree and into the bedroom, both boys were out like lights! James had fallen asleep in the car and was out for the night. At the crack of dawn Bobby and Roger were wide awake, they tumbled into Juan's room and said together, "Is it Christmas yet?"

Juan mumbled and groaned and slid out from under the warm sheets. He dressed quickly and carried James out to the living room. Bobby was standing there with a fresh cup of coffee for his Dad. Juan gratefully accepted the offering of the gods and sat in his chair. He told Roger to start distributing presents. The first one said "Roger" so he put it on the couch. The next one did also and the next and the next! Finally one said "Bobby" and another said James and so on until all that was left was that envelope that John had handed Juan. Roger carefully brought the envelope to Juan, who held it out to him, saying, "Roger, it has your name on it."

Roger looked at it and opened it up. Inside was a form, as he pulled it out he saw, "CERTIFICATE OF PERMANENT CUSTODY" and below that was his name and then Juan's name! It took a few seconds for it to register on the boy, then he screamed and leapt into Juan's lap, hugging him as tightly as he could. After the boy had calmed down, Juan pointed out that he had lots more presents to open! First came a pair of cowboy boots and then a hat. Next was a traditional western shirt and a lariat. The last box had both his and Bobby's name on it. They opened it together and found a piece of paper in the bottom of the box. It said, "GO OUT THE BACK DOOR." Both boys tried to scramble through the door at the same time, there, tied to the hitching post were two ponies, one a paint and the other a roan. There were saddles and blankets sitting on the railing! That was the last Juan saw of the boys until hunger drove them home! With them came Juanito and Carlos on their new ponies! Juan made them all go take a shower before lunch, they smelled like a horse barn!

The Christmas school vacation was soon over and Bobby was back in class, Juan took Roger and got him registered as a High School Freshman. Roger asked if he could be in JROTC like his big brother, Bobby and the counselor told him, "No problem."

It was a mild winter and every weekend the boys spent their free time on their horses. One sunny day in early April, Roger came racing back to the house, his pony all lathered up. He dropped the reins and ran into the house screaming, "Dad, Dad, come quick! HURRY!"

Juan came into the kitchen and put his arm around Roger, "Slow down son, you are not making any sense."

Roger shouted, "Boy, Boy, HURRY, HURT, BOBBY HELPING, HURRY!"

Juan said, "Slow down son, can I get there in the Scout?"

Roger shook his head, "Yes, HURRY, COME ON, HURRY! LET'S GO."

Juan backed the Scout out of the garage and slipped it into 4-Wheel drive, Roger was back on his pony, waving at Juan to hurry up. They started off with Roger leading the way at a full gallop! Juan was hard pressed to keep up with them, Roger and his pony leaped across a small stream and up a rocky hill with Juan bouncing from boulder to boulder trying to keep up, as he cleared the crest of the hill, he spotted Roger climbing off his pony and Bobby's pony standing patiently nearby. Juan stopped the Scout and climbed out, Roger took his hand, urging him to hurry. Bobby was kneeling beside a boy laying on Bobby's spread out jacket. Another, smaller boy was standing there, crying.

As Juan struggled over the rocks, Bobby called out, "This is Jason, he has fallen and I think his leg is broken. Juan examined the boy and confirmed what Bobby had told him, the boy's leg was very definitely broken. Between them, they got the boy in the Scout, Juan told Bobby to sit beside him to keep him from falling over. He told Roger to ride back to the house, leading Bobby's pony. He then had the smaller boy sit on the other side of Jason to also help steady the injured boy and they headed back, much slower so not to hurt the boy further.

As soon as they reached the house, Juan called the only doctor in town, Dr. Jefferson, and he said he would come right over. Bobby and Roger carefully lifted Jason and carried him into the house, using the cross hands chair carry that they had been taught in JROTC a short time before.

While they were waiting for Dr. Jefferson, Juan took the smaller boy and held him, "Son, are you Jason's brother?"

The boy replied, "No sir, we are cousins, he was getting me away from my father, look." The boy lifted his shirt and exposed a black and blue beaten back, blood and pus were oozing out of the welts!

At that, Juan told Roger to go call Uncle John and ask him to come over fast! He then went over and spoke with Jason, "Jason, can you tell me your father's name so I can call him?"

Jason started to cry, "NOOOOO, he is worse than Phillip's father!"

Juan thought, "Oh God, not again!"

Just then, Dr. Jefferson arrived, so Juan filled him in on what he knew. Dr. Jefferson was an old country doctor and he looked like somebody's favorite grandfather. He knelt beside Jason and said, "Son, I need to examine your leg, I will be as gentle as I can."

The boy nodded ok and the doctor started to slide Jason's pants off his hips. The boy screamed, "NOOOOOOOOO" and began to cry in earnest.

The kindly old doctor said, "It's ok, there isn't anything I haven't seen before!" and continued to remove the boy's trousers. He discovered the boy had no underwear on and when he turned him, so he could examine the injured leg, he saw something that horrified him. He stood up, his eyes blazing pure fire, he motioned Juan to come with him to the kitchen. Dr. Jefferson was so angry, he was stammering, "Juan, that boy has been raped! You get Sheriff Casey down here now, before I do something I will regret!"

At that moment, John Peters stepped into the house. Juan quickly told him what they had discovered, John's face went ashen white and he grabbed Juan's phone off the wall and dialed the Sheriff's office himself. Whatever John told Sheriff Casey, he soon arrived with his Chief Deputy under sirens and red lights. After talking to the two boys, Calvin Casey promised Juan that the jail would have two new residents within the hour! The two Sheriffs left and Dr. Jefferson took Jason back to his clinic for some x-rays and to set the broken leg.

Juan and John took the boys and followed the doctor in Juan's Scout. Juan said, "About your FRIEND, Gabby Sanchez..."

John interrupted him saying, "OK, I'm on it! You had better build some new bedrooms on your house if you are going to keep collecting boys!"

The doctor put Jason's leg in a cast and told him he had to stay home from school for a while. He also gave Juan some salve to put on the boy's raw bottom and also on the other boy's back. They found the other boy was Phillip and both boys' last name was Carson, their fathers were brothers. Phillip was only 11 years old and Jason was 15! It had been an exciting and tiring day, Juan made his mother's favorite recipe for hurt boys, chicken soup. With full stomachs, all the boys, including little James decided on a nap.

Chapter 3 - Moralis Boy's Home

Juan sat in his chair, thinking about what his brother-in-law had said, "COLLECTING BOYS". Why not, he reasoned, he had the funds, he had the land and he certainly had the time! He picked up the phone and called John, "John, do you think I could?"

John replied, "Could what?"

Juan continued, "Do you think I could start a Boy's Home here?"

John thought for a moment and then said, "Yeah, you could, but are you willing to fight the state for it and all the BS they will put you through?"

Juan replied, "Why not, they can't hurt me any more than 'Nam did! DO IT!"

It would be a year before they gained approval and, had it not been for the support of Superior Court Judge Alfredo Sanchez, it might have been even longer. In the meantime, Juan called in a contractor and had two more bedrooms built on the old farmhouse. Juan registered Phillip at the Elementary School and, as soon as Jason graduated to a walking cast, he registered him as a sophomore at the High School with Bobby and Roger. The Carson brothers were convicted of child molestation, child abuse and criminal negligence towards a minor. The temporary custody order was changed to permanent and Juan was awarded custody of both boys. For the first time since he and Anita had been children, Juan's old farmhouse rang with the sound of happy children!

Just before school let out for the summer, the High School JROTC held a promotion ceremony for the cadets. It was a proud Juan who watched Jason promoted to Cadet First Sergeant, Bobby to Cadet Second Lieutenant and Roger to Cadet Master Sergeant! Phillip told Juan that as soon as he was in High School he WAS going to be a JROTC Cadet like his brothers! Juan could not have been more proud if they had all been his blood children! He took them all out to lunch at the Cattleman's Club up in Silver City. The boys were still in their uniforms and attracted a lot of attention from the other patrons, Juan beamed when he introduced them as HIS SONS!

As they returned home, they spotted Bill Cochran's car in the drive. Bill was standing on the porch waiting for them, seeing the boys all in their uniforms, he said, "Hmmm, Moralis Standing Army!"

Juan laughed and said, "Don't try to start any wars here! Come on in, I'll fix some coffee."

Juan and Bill were drinking their coffee when Bill said, "Juan, the assays proved out even richer than we thought, we have a 10% ore body! We plan to open the pit and start hauling ore as soon as possible. Kennecott has contracted for 100% of our production, we can't be sure yet, but we are guessing that your 20% will amount to about $10,000,000 a year and we calculate there is 20 year's ore in the ground!" Juan was staggered and had to sit down. Bill continued, "If it is OK with you, we will write the production contract for monthly payments to you, probably starting in September of this year."

Poor Juan's eyes were glazed and finally he said, "Bill, you have jampacked me. It is a good thing all my teeth are my own! Of course, I need to talk with John Peters, but, YEAH!"

Bill continued, "Rumor has it that you have added two more boys to this circus!"

Juan replied, "Yeah and now I see my way to make it even more - MORALIS BOY'S HOME will be a reality!" It was a damp eyed Juan who hugged Bill Cochran as he left the house. The boys had been eavesdropping, they ran into the living room and hugged Juan, he wrapped his arms around the whole bunch and just cried, his dream of helping boys would become real now! Juan purchased two more ponies, one for Jason and the other for Phillip.

The boys' favorite activity that summer was to take a picnic lunch and ride their horse's to the top of the rise overlooking the new open pit mine to watch the heavy equipment remove the overburden to expose the ore. The four older boys formed an unbreakable bond that would last their lifetimes and their protection of their baby brother, James, was something fierce to behold! Juanito and Carlos, Juan's two nephews became part of the Moralis Horde and they, also, became JROTC Cadets when school resumed in the fall.

With John's help, Juan formed the Moralis Foundation Corporation and he assigned all but $250,000 a year to the Foundation. In September, as Bill Cochran had promised, monthly payments of about $1,750,000 started and were paid to The Moralis Foundation Corporation. Juan contracted with a firm out of Las Cruces to build a two story boy's home. It was to have bedrooms for each two boys and a small apartment on each floor for an adult mentor. Juan purchased land well away from the mine to place the building, there was sufficient space for an elementary school, should the need arise. Bobby and Jason suggested a campground that could be used by the boys and also for the High School JROTC. Juan thought that was a great idea and had the plans incorporated into the Boy's Home project.

Juan became the CEO of Moralis Boy's Home Foundation Corporation and he Appointed John Peters as Legal Counsel. Unknown to the boys, Bobby, Roger, Jason, Juanito and Carlos were all named to the Board of Directors. The License from the state arrived shortly before the construction was complete, a grand opening celebration was held in November. The JROTC Drill Team and Standard Bearers, under the command of Cadet Bobby Moralis opened the gates for visitors. His brothers, Jason Carson, Juanito Peters and Carlos Peters served as tour guides. Phillip Carson looked on with envy until Juan took him by the hand as he led visitors through the new facility.

Judge Sanchez was among the first visitors to be shown around, he looked down at Phillip and said, "Next year, for you, son!"

Phillip beamed and said in his very best military voice, "Sir, yes sir!"

The Judge chuckled and turned to Juan, "You have a little general there, Juan!" The Judge could not know how prophetic his words were!

Juan was happy at how everything was coming together, but, at night he still yearned for his son, Danny. He kept the detective agency on the case, but his hopes were diminishing.

Juan put out the word that Moralis Boy's Home would accept boys who were "problems" elsewhere. His first hires were two brothers, Albert and Raymond Corrigan. When he was interviewing them he asked them all the standard questions and then threw them a "stun" question. "Is there ANYTHING about either of you that would prevent you from working with troubled young boys or even gay boys?"

Albert looked down at his feet and stammered, "I am gay."

Juan replied, "I didn't ask about your preferences, just what you can do to help troubled or gay boys."

Albert stammered, "You mean my being gay doesn't matter?"

Juan said, "Why should it matter? If that is all you have, can you both start this afternoon?" The two brothers were still putting their clothes away when a State Department of Corrections van drove up to the front door. A Corrections Officer and a woman in a business suit got out and went into the office.

Juan had not yet hired a manager, so he was manning the office. He said, "Can I help you?"

The lady said, "I am Amelia Carelton from New Mexico State CPS, I called you yesterday about three boys that have been locked up at the Juvenile Prison because there was no other place for them."

Juan replied, "Of course Mrs. Carelton, we have rooms for them ready, may I meet them please?" The officer brought in three very frightened boys in hand cuffs. Juan went ballistic, "How DARE you bring boys chained together like criminals! Take those off now or I will have the local Sheriff lock you BOTH up!" As soon as the boys were unlocked, Juan put his arms around the three of them and led them away, leaving the two state officials to cool their heels in the lobby. He was so angry, he could hardly speak. He phoned up to the Corrigan Brothers' room and asked them to come down to Admitting right away. As soon as they got there, out of breath because they ran down the stairwell, Juan put the three boys in their care and he went stomping back out to the front lobby. He was still angry enough to set the carpeting on fire as he told them that if they ever brought boys to him like that, he would raise the roof from here to the state capitol and back! He then signed their paperwork and sent them away.

He immediately went back to where the boys were and sat down with them. The three, Johnny Mears, Ralph Babbin and Mike Kerns, all 14 years old and so frightened their knees were shaking. The three adults each held a boy and Juan, who had finally calmed himself down, told them that, for now, they were going to be all in one bedroom but as soon as some more boys came, all bedrooms would hold just two boys each. Mike Kearns spoke up, "Sir, you mean we will have a bedroom just our own?"

Juan looked at them and said, "Boys, this is a home, NOT a prison. Yes you will have a room and things of your very own. You will be expected to keep your room fairly neat and kind of clean but this is also NOT the military. I have sons, I know what goes on, we are not going to worry about a dirty sock on the floor or a toothbrush hanging crooked!" The three boys looked at each other and began to sob, they hung onto Juan like he was a life raft. Perhaps, in a way, he was.

Before the month was out, eighteen boys were living at the Moralis Boy's Home. Both the Elementary and High Schools were getting worried about having sufficient classroom space. When he heard that, Juan had the contractor make up a set of plans for an Elementary School on the Home grounds. When he presented the plans to the school Board and told them he would build the school, they were delighted and willing to cooperate on teaching staff. The next week, the contractor started construction. Juan finally found the man he was looking for to be the administrator. He had been back to the VA Hospital in Tucson for his checkup and was talking to a man in the waiting room. He was a Navy Veteran who had been involved in a shipboard fire. He had been a Lieutenant Commander and the fire had so severely burned him that he had to have both legs amputated just below the knees. He was currently confined to a wheel chair, but they were working with a firm in Dallas that thought they could equip him with a new style articulating prosthesis that would allow him to walk! The man was excited about the prospect and told Juan that he had a degree in Elementary Education from Duke University. He wanted to ask his girl friend to marry him, but felt he needed a job before asking her. Juan gave the man his card and asked him to come see him. If he needed help or transportation, give him a call and he would come get him. The man asked Juan if he should wait for the prosthesis' and Juan said no, come anytime you are ready.

Juan had been back home only a couple of days when the phone rang. When he answered, it was the Lieutenant Commander, "Mr. Moralis, I am here in Hurley, my Dad drove me over from Tucson this morning."

Juan replied, "Well, come on, I will wait here at the Home for you." When they arrived, Juan met them and wheeled the man, Dennis Kaufmann, inside, telling the Father he could wander the grounds and speak to anyone he wished. Juan showed Dennis all over, even taking him upstairs on the new elevator, to see the boys' rooms and recreation area.

Dennis was very impressed and said to himself, "If there is any way, I am going to be part of this!"

When they returned to Juan's office, Juan asked, "Do you have any questions?"

Dennis replied, "Where would be a good place for me to live?"

Juan pointed out the window, where carpenters were putting the finishing touches on a new house, "That is the Administrator's Home." He continued, "When can you start?"

Dennis looked him straight in the eyes and said, "Yesterday!"

They met Dennis' father in the driveway and his father said, "Dennis if you don't take this position, I WILL!"

Dennis laughed and said, "Sorry dad, the job's mine!"

Juan spoke up and asked him, "What kind of work do you do?"

Mr. Kaufmann said, "I am a retired Elementary School Principal."

Juan said, "Hm, you see that new building over there?" He pointed to some new construction away a bit from the Home.

Mr. Kaufmann said, "It kinda looks like a school!"

Juan replied, "It is an Elementary School and it needs a principal, interested?"

The man said, excitedly, "You bet I am!" After some negotiations Dennis Kaufmann, Sr. was hired as Moralis Elementary School Principal. Since he was widowed, he decided to live with his son in the Administrator's House. They both started work the next week.

Summer was fast approaching and Bobby brought home the information that Major Davis, the JROTC instructor would like to meet with him. Juan called him at the school and made an appointment to meet with him the next day. All the boys had lots of homework, they were all cramming for finals. The ponies were grumbling around in the corral, wondering where their boys were and the boys were as jumpy as a dog in a flea market!

Juan took the high school boys as he was going that way to meet with Major Davis anyway. He met the instructor in his office, the Major closed the door and said, "I have two things I want to talk about and neither are dependent upon the other."

Juan said, "OK, shoot."

The man continued, "Bobby tells me that you guys have a campground over on the other side of the Boy's Home that is big enough to handle a JROTC campout, is that correct?"

Juan replied, "Yes, that is one of the uses we built it for."

The Major continued then, "Could we reserve it for the first two weeks after school lets out and how much will it cost?"

Juan said, "One of the requirements for use is that it costs the campers nothing and, yes, you may use it for those two weeks."

The Major continued, "Now that you are sat down, I want to tell you that Bobby Moralis is being promoted to Cadet Lt. Colonel and will command the JROTC unit next year, his senior year."

Juan looked at him, gobsmacked! "My Bobby?"

Major Davis smiled, "Yes, YOUR BOBBY!" He continued, "Are you aware that Bobby Moralis is on the Dean's List this year and he is Number 1 in his class?"

Juan stammered, "I knew he was running all A's, but Number 1? Lt. Colonel, Commanding? Oh my God!"

The Major let it all sink in and then he said, "Mr. Moralis, I am not sure exactly what it is you are doing, but ALL those boys, even John Peters' boys are straight A students now. They are popular, they are the top students in this school!" Continuing, he said, "We all think you are running a miracle factory over there!"

The following week was the JROTC Change of Command Ceremony celebrating the end of the school year. The Instructor stood up and said, "This year we are going to do things a little different. Will Cadet Bobby Moralis please come to the stage." Bobby marched up to the stage and smartly saluted Major Davis. The Major continued, "Cadet Moralis has shown all the properties desired in an outstanding Cadet Officer, not only in his JROTC classes, but he is also the highest scoring student in our school! I present to you, ladies and gentlemen, Cadet Lt. Colonel Bobby Moralis."

Bobby stepped forward and said, "Thank you Major Davis, ladies and gentlemen and distinguished guests. Nobody can do this alone, we all have those who support us and encourage us, those who lead us and those we lead are all part of our experience. A man I met some time ago is part of my experience, he so impressed me that I asked him to be here, will Colonel Matthew Bellingham please come to the stage." The Colonel came up to Bobby, who snapped him a precision salute and then asked him to be seated on the stage. Juan was becoming very uncomfortable wondering what was going on. Bobby continued, "One of the most important figures in my life has been my Dad, Mr. Juan Edward Moralis. Not only is he a notable here in Hurley, he also was this during his time in the United States Army. Will Mr. Juan Moralis, Dad, please come to the stage. Juan did so, wondering what Bobby was doing. Bobby saluted his father and then asked him to face the audience. He began, "Ladies and Gentlemen, this is my Father, Juan Edward Moralis, a son of Hurley and the man who saved my life, quite literally, he scooped me up out of a ditch. But my life was not the first he saved, nor was it the last. He saved lives in Viet Nam, he saved lived in Hurley, New Mexico and it is my objective to make the heroism of this great man known to you all." He then spoke directly to Juan, "Mr. Moralis, SIR, you are out of uniform, SIR!" He then lifted a blue and white ribbon from the podium and hung it around his Father's neck, a medallion was strung at the bottom of the ribbon. A ribbon that all present recognized!

Bobby then ordered, "CADETS .. HAND SALUTE!...... TWO! Ladies and Gentlemen I present to you Army Sergeant First Class Juan Edward Moralis, retired. MEDAL OF HONOR HOLDER SINCE 1967!" Amid the thunder of applause, Bobby whispered to his dad, "I had to do it Dad, you are the best there ever will be!" The remainder of the program was anti-climatic, poor Juan was seated in a complete daze, his 17 year old son had so completely flummoxed him, his sister, Anita, had to drive him home that night!

The remainder of the summer was much quieter, Dennis Kaufmann, Jr. got married, the wedding was held at the Elementary School. His Father was the Best Man and the boys of Moralis Boy's Home were in the cheering section. The JROTC held their two-week campout and it was so successful that plans were begun immediately for the next year. Juan still pined for his son, Danny, but the detective firm could find no trace of him. Juan finally cancelled the contract, he realized that it just was not going to be. By August the Home had only two vacant bedrooms so, after conferring with Dennis, he let a contract to construct a second building. It was to be bigger and would include an indoor swimming pool and a basketball court.

He advertised for two additional mentors and was soon flooded with applicants, none of whom impressed him. On a hunch, he called the Social Services office at the VA Hospital in Tucson to ask if they had any young veterans looking for a job who would be suitable. The young lady on the telephone said they had four young men, but they were all handicapped. Juan replied, "I am handicapped myself and it sure hasn't slowed me down! Send all four to see me, we will pay their expenses!"

Two days later four young men drove up in a battered old Ford pickup, billowing smoke out the exhaust like a locomotive! They all helped each other exit the truck, they had been packed in like sardines. Two were on crutches and one was obviously just learning to use his prosthetic leg. The fourth stumbled along on two canes. Juan met them at the front door of the Home, the young men, Carl and Lonny Johnston, brothers from Medford, Oregon, Angel Suarez from Tucson, Arizona and Albert Conners from Seattle, Washington. All had been Navy Sailors assigned to the River Boats in Viet Nam and had been injured in the same incident.

Albert Conners spoke up, "Mr. Moralis, sir, we four have been through hell together, is there any possibility that we can stay together?"

Juan's eyes misted over, looking at the four clean-cut young men who had been through so much together, he resolved to make it happen. He said, "First of all, my name is Juan, NOT sir! Do you guys think you can handle rowdy teen boys and some may even be gay to boot?"

Albert looked at his friends and they all nodded. He replied, "Sir, eeer, Juan, if we can stay together, we will handle the devil himself, anything!"

Juan had already seen their resumes and had decided that any of them would be ideal. He replied, "OK, go home and get your belongings. You ALL can start as soon as you get back here."

Albert said, "Juan, all that we own is in the back of my truck, can we start now?"

He was sure now that the young men were on their own and had no place to call home. Not wanting to embarrass them, he said, "Great, you start now. Lunch is in twenty minutes!" He then called some of the boys to help bring in their belongings and the look of relief on the young men's faces was too great to hide.


School started that September, Bobby was a senior this year and all the boys were in school except young James, who had just turned 4 years old. The little boy was lonely, all his brothers were in school and just Juan was home with him. It was a warm fall day and being cooped up in the house was not his idea of a great day! Juan was in the kitchen having a second cup of coffee when James wandered in. The little boy had a sad look on his face and said to his dad, "Daddy, will you teach me how to ride a pony?"

Juan replied, "I can't ride, can you wait until one of your brothers get's home?"

The little boy looked ready to cry, "But Daddy, can't you show me, you can do anything!" Tears were beginning to bubble out of the boy's eyes and Juan could feel his heart begin to crumble.

Finally he said, "Well, let's try it, maybe I can swing up on the pony and we will ride around the yard."

James' eyes lit up like the Fourth of July, he screamed, "OH BOY, I'll get my new hat!", and he ran off to collect his new cowboy hat.

Juan groaned, thinking, "Oh God, what have I gotten myself into?" The two walked out to the corral and saddled up one of the ponies. Holding onto the reins, Juan lifted James up into the saddle and then, standing on a box, levered himself into the saddle behind the boy.

They rode around the yard, James was screaming, "Faster, Daddy, faster!" Juan found that he was actually quite comfortable in the saddle, so he kicked open the gate and the two headed out for a ride. They rode as far as the High School and, as they started to turn back towards home, it was time to change classes.

Bobby, Roger and Phillip were headed to the JROTC Classroom when they spotted Juan and James on the horse! The three brothers yelled and screamed, waving their arms in greeting. Bobby yelled, "Way to go, Dad!"

He added to himself, "About time!" As they rode back to the house, Juan was thinking, "I can do this, I can go with my boys!" It took a small boy to show his Dad just how little he was handicapped!

The first grading period reports cards came home, and all the boys were on the Honor Roll. Major Davis, the JROTC Instructor included a note in Bobby's Report Card asking to have a meeting with Juan. He asked Bobby what was going on and Bobby had no idea. The next day, Juan telephoned Major Davis and set up a meeting for that afternoon. Juan could not believe that Bobby was in any trouble, but whatever it was he needed to find out early. Juan arrived for the meeting and was ushered into the conference room. Not only was Major Davis there but also the High School Principal, Amanda Gorman and the Senior Class Advisor, George Cahill. Major Davis had a stack of papers in his hand and a smile on his face that told Juan there was no trouble ahead.

The Major began, "Mr. Moralis, you and I have spoken before about Bobby's excellent grades and leadership. Now, I have a paper here that proves what I said! He passed a bundle of forms to Juan and as he read them, he nearly fell of his chair! It was an offer for a Congressional Appointment to Annapolis - The Naval Academy!

Juan started to stammer, "But.... How.... Who...."

Major Davis laughed, "Are you aware that Bobby Moralis is the top High School Student in the state of New Mexico?"

Juan read all the paperwork and then asked, "Is Bobby aware of all this?"

Amanda Gorman, the Principal replied, "Yes he is ...... Bobby, come on in here!" Bobby opened the door and entered the room, wearing an ear to ear grin on his face.

He hugged Juan and said, "May I go, Dad?"

Juan hugged his son tightly and, with tears streaming down his face said, "Son, if this is what you want, YES, you may go!" Juan was overcome with emotion and pride in his son. He sat down and looked at Major Davis, "Thank you, from the bottom of my heart!"

So began an odyssey of paperwork that seemed unending. Immediately after Christmas, Juan and Bobby flew to Washington, DC to meet with their Congressman and also to pay a visit to the Naval Academy in Annapolis. Bobby came away with stars in his eyes, ready to start his plebe year then and there!

The remainder of the year passed rapidly, it was no surprise to anyone that command of the JROTC was passed to Bobby's brother, Roger Knife. At the Change of Command Ceremony, Roger praised Bobby and then continued, "Ladies and Gentlemen, Distinguished Guests, I would like to add to the praise that my Brother, Bobby Moralis accorded to our Dad, Juan Moralis. This man, Juan Edward Moralis, drug a skinny, filthy Indian boy out of the bushes, loved him, cared for him and encouraged him to be the boy you see standing before you. The greatest thing I can think of to say is, I am now 17 years old, on my 18th birthday my Uncle, John Peters, has papers to file changing my last name to Moralis. Dad, I repeat what Bobby told you, you are the greatest that will ever be!" Anita had to drive Juan home again this year!

A week later, they took Bobby to the airport in Las Cruces, where he boarded the plane for Washington and on to Plebe Week at Annapolis. The JROTC Annual Encampment was a great success, units from other High Schools were invited to participate, nearly 1,000 cadets attended! Juan spent the summer enjoying his boys, they spent many hours roaming the hills on horseback. Roger started applying to colleges and universities that had courses in forestry. He had decided he wanted to be a Forest Ranger. The best course available was at the University of New Mexico in Las Cruces. He and Juan made a visit to the campus and met with the Freshman Counselor. After looking at Roger's High School Record, he told them that Roger should have no problem meeting the entrance requirements or passing the course of study for a degree in Forestry Science. They received a letter from Bobby, he said that being a Plebe was no cakewalk, but he was determined to succeed.

Kennecott announced they were curtailing operations at the smelter and were going to lay off over 1,000 employees. This was a terrible blow to the folks in Hurley, the smelter was the only employment in the area. Bill Cochran quickly made arrangements to sell the ore from the Moralis Open Pit Mine to other smelter operations. The ore was high grade, so other smelter companies were anxious to bid. The school district voted to consolidate with the Silver City School District and bus all the students there. Since the Moralis Foundation owned the Elementary School, Juan decided to open it as a private school. There were so many applications for enrollment that he purchased the High School from the school district and had it renovated. Even before the renovations were complete, enrollment applications started arriving. Most of the teachers asked to stay with the now private school and before the last day as a public school, there were more applications than there were places for students. Some applications came from as far away as Tucson!

The Foundation contracted to have motel like accommodations built for out of town students and Juan again went on a hunt for mentors. Like before, most of them came from the VA Hospital in Tucson. Juan and The Moralis Foundation had gained such a high reputation, the Social Services Office at the hospital had Juan's home phone number on file!

Roger graduated with Highest Honors and was Class Valedictorian. In his speech he said, "The highest honor I have received came not from my classes, but from Judge Sanchez when he signed my petition to change my name to Moralis! If I, a dirty, scraggly little Indian boy can come so far, then I say to those of you who think they cannot, you are WRONG! Make the most of every opportunity, you can be whatever you want to be if you are willing to grab on, hold on tight and NEVER, NEVER give up!" Juan had to be driven home again by Anita!

Times were hard in Hurley, now that Kennecott had closed down, but Alfredo Moralis managed to keep the little General Store open, it was the only store in town. He still gave credit and nobody ever abused it. Juan helped out making sure that Alfredo had sufficient funds to keep the place going. Employment at the private schools helped and both the schools and the Home bought all their supplies locally.

Bill Cochran drove down from his office in Silver City to talk with Juan, "Juan, we have discovered an arm of the ore body going off to the north. Kennecott has shut down the Tamara Pit Mine, if we can increase our production we can sell every pound we can dig."

Juan asked, "How many more people will it employee?" Bill replied, "On a steady basis, probably 100 men." Juan told him to go ahead, folks need the jobs here.

Roger Moralis entered U of NM, Las Cruces that fall and Phillip was a Junior at Moralis High School. James started the First Grade and the Twin Terrors, Juan's nephews, Juanito and Carlos were seniors. Phillip was the only one in JROTC now, but Juan kept close tabs on that successful program. Jason would be a graduating senior. The beatings he had sustained impaired him mentally, but he would be a fully functioning adult. He was already working part time for Juan's cousin, Alfredo, in the General Store. Judge Gabby Sanchez was nominated for a seat on the bench of New Mexico State Supreme Court and was confirmed by the legislature before Christmas. The Governor selected John Peters to replace Judge Sanchez as Superior Court Judge. The increased production at the mine not only saved many jobs for the local people, the increased revenue began to pile up in the account of the Moralis Foundation.

At Christmas, Juan made sure all his boys, even Bobby, came home - he sent Bobby plane tickets and drove to Las Cruces to retrieve Roger! The day after Christmas, Juan convened a meeting of the Moralis Foundation Board of Directors, all were present. They set up a Scholarship Fund with $20,000,000 for deserving seniors of Moralis High School and another $1,000,000 to fund deserving students at the private schools who could not otherwise afford to attend. They then voted to buy the General Store from Juan's cousin, Alfredo, and hire Alfredo to manage it and Jason would run the day to day operations. The last order of business was to build and equip a Volunteer Fire Department to replace the one that Kennecott has operated. Construction was to begin as soon as possible.

Bobby asked, "If we build an office, do you think the Sheriff will station a couple of deputies here?"

Juan said, "I will ask and if he will, is a building authorized by this board?" A resounding yes was voted.

The day after New Year's Juan drove Bobby back to the airport in Las Cruces and also dropped Roger off at his dorm. It was a sad trip home, he missed his boys so much and he had been thinking of Danny again. School began again at Moralis High School and Phillip was determined he would meet the same levels of excellence attained by his older brothers. As the school year rushed to a close, Gordon Lassiter, a new counselor hired by Juan, called and asked Juan to meet with him. Juan was used to this by now, so he was not concerned, when he arrived, Mr. Lassiter was waiting for him and they both went into the conference room. Amanda Gorman had remained as Principal and was also waiting for Juan.

Gordon started the meeting, "Mr. Moralis, I am sure you know that Phillip is following in the footsteps of his older brothers. I received an inquiry from our Congressman about Phillip and an appointment to West Point. Based on Phillip's record to date, he is willing to guarantee an appointment for Phillip immediately after his graduation from High School.

Juan shook his head and said, "I suppose Phillip already knows?"

Amanda grinned and said, "Come on in Phillip, we can't surprise your Dad this time!"

Phillip rushed in and hugged his Dad, "Dad, I want to go, will you let me?"

Juan chuckled and said, "Would I hear the end of it if I said no?"

Phillip laughed, "Nope!"

The annual change of Command Ceremony for the JROTC was held. Again, no surprises, Phillip was selected as the Cadet Commanding Officer. He was making his acceptance speech, "Ladies and Gentlemen, Distinguished Guests, I stand here, not humbly, but exceedingly proud to be able to follow in the footsteps of my brothers. But there is one brother you have not heard from, my brother Jason. Jason, will you come and stand beside me, BROTHER? As you all know, Juan Moralis rescued my brother and myself, but what you don't know is what my BROTHER did for me. He took the beatings from our birth father to protect me, he shielded me from harm and when it got beyond bearing, he grabbed me and ran. Despite his injuries, he protected me until we were found by our older brothers. Jason had a broken leg and was comforted by Bobby. Roger ran for help. Dad came and carried us to safety. Jason is 18 years old now and I am 17, when I turn 18, Jason and I already have the paperwork completed to make our name Moralis, like our brothers. To have the same name as our Dad is an honor beyond compare." The Brothers held hands and said together, "We love you, Dad!" Anita had to drive Juan home again!

The Annual JROTC Encampment was another success, nearly 1,500 cadets participated with delegations from four surrounding states! Alfredo decided to retire, so Jason took over the management of the General Store. Roger decided to take summer courses so that he could graduate in three years. Bobby was on his summer cruise on a destroyer off the coast of Korea. Juan was glued to the news in worry of some crisis that would involve Bobby, but the Gods of War were gracious and no harm befell him.

He came home for a short leave before classes resumed and went with Juan to Silver City for a meeting with Bill Cochran. There, Bobby met his fate. Bill's oldest daughter, Charlotte, was home from Stanford. Bobby went goggle-eyed. He was completely smitten, both Juan and Bill sat back and giggled! Before the evening was over, each had the other's address and the next three years they managed to keep the US Postal Service in business selling stamps! They would be married three days after Bobby was commissioned!

Phillip's senior year was busy; he was Student Body President in addition to Cadet Lt. Colonel, Commanding the JROTC Battalion. The paperwork to enter West Point was tremendous, he and Juan visited the Academy over Christmas, if they had let him, Phillip would have started then! Like his brothers, Phillip graduated Valedictorian. In his speech, he said, "There is but one reason I am standing here before you, one name that says it all, Juan Edward Moralis. Yesterday, my brother, Jason, and I did as we said we would, our last name is now Moralis. What more can I say but this great man is my DAD and he made me what I am, what I will ever be. Dad, to repeat my brothers, You are the best that will ever be!" Poor Anita had to drive Juan home yet again!

A week later they took Philip to the airport in Las Cruces to begin a new phase in his life. Juan would have a few years to recuperate, James was only in the Third Grade! That summer's JROTC Encampment hit 2,000 participants from 6 states. That was the maximum the campground could accommodate, future encampments would have to be limited. Only the Twin Terrors remained in High School, but this was their final year. The Fates would have to wait their turn for James!

That summer, while Phillip sweated out Hell Week at West Point, Bobby was cruising off the coast of West Africa. Again, Juan stayed glued to the news but the Gods of War continued to look favorably on them. Bobby came home, but spent almost all his time in Silver City. Love was a powerful magnet! Charlotte was a beautiful young woman, she had flaming red hair like her father and she was as beautiful on the inside as the out! Almost as soon as he got home, they were taking Bobby back to the airport, they went a day early so he could visit with his brother, Roger, and then, the Post Office could sigh in relief, the volume of stamp sales went back up!

By Christmas, Roger was recognized as a Sophomore and was listed in Who's Who on American University Students. He was active in several clubs and was a charter member of the local chapter of Big Brother's of America.

Slowly, life in Hurley settled down, the loss of the smelter was a terrible blow, but employment at the schools and Home, along with increased hiring at the mine helped a little bit. Juan had tennis courts and a baseball diamond added to the ground at the Home and later stables and 20 horses were added. Many morning would see Juan out pleasure riding his horse, he could thank James for that, and boys from the Home would scramble for one of the 20 horses in order to join him. Juan was just turning 40 years old, still a young man to have lived as much as he had! It was 1978, Saigon had fallen three years earlier, was the world safe for his two military sons? Only time would tell.


Two years passed swiftly, only James was living at home and he was nearing High School age already! Bill Cochran called and asked if Juan was going to be home, that he wanted to talk with him. Thinking that Bill wanted to talk about the wedding, he told him to come on down. When Bill arrived, he had an arm load of papers and blueprints with him. He looked excited and started spreading the papers out on the kitchen table. He said, "Kennecott wants to sell the Hurley Smelter, we have enough copper in the ground to last years. What if we purchase the old smelter and rehab it, then put it back in operation?"

Juan replied, "I'm not sure I have the funds enough to swing all that."

Bill said, "Oh, I have lined up enough investors for that, we just have to assure the ore supply, your mine will take care of that, what do you say?"

Juan thought for a few minutes and then said, "OK, I'll do it but there MUST be one stipulation - Hurley or ex-Hurley folks have first dibs on the jobs."

Bill replied, "Done and Done, it is already in the contract. I knew you would want that!"

Within six weeks, work began on the old smelter. Folks in town walked with a new spring in their steps. June arrived and Bill and Juan, James, Roger and, of course, John and Anita along with the Twin Terrors were on an airplane, headed for Washington, DC. On a hot Tuesday morning, Juan and Roger pinned brand new shiny gold "butter-bars" on the jacket of Second Lieutenant Robert Edward Moralis, United States Marine Corps. Miss Charlotte Cochran got the first kiss! Two days after that, Juan got the first kiss from Mrs. Robert Edward Moralis! Roger got the second kiss! Roger was Best Man and Anita was Matron of Honor. Juan gave the new couple 1,000 shares of Moralis Industries stock, the new company formed to operate the smelter. After a quick honeymoon the couple was off to Rota, Spain where the young Second Looey was assigned as Assistant Brig Officer. It was not many months later, an overseas telephone call informed Juan that he was "GONNA BE GRANDPA!" Poor Anita thought she was going have to get a taxi license, Juan was too jittery to drive!

In December, Roger graduated Summa cum Laude from the University of New Mexico with a degree in Forestry Science. The National Forest System hired him, practically off the podium! His initial assignment was Forest Ranger in the Siskiyou National Forest. Phillip would be graduating in another year and, Juan suddenly realized that James would soon be in High School! He seldom thought about Danny anymore, just every once in a while it would flash across his mind.

The rebuilt smelter finally went into production, the first test ingot was presented to Juan. He was asked to speak at the celebration, "Ladies and Gentlemen, Honored Guests, we go way back together. I see His Honor, Justice Sanchez trying to hide behind that post, I also see His Honor Judge John Peters beside him and I see all the people who have worked so hard to make this smelter a reality. Bill Cochran, I see you, too. I know your Dad would have loved to be here, you have our deepest and heartfelt condolences for his death, he was a great man. I was born here, I grew up here, my children grew up here, this is where the roots of the Moralis Family are sunk into the soil. That we have been able to bring the jobs we thought lost forever, back to our town, is nothing short of a miracle, With hard work and honest people, Hurley is, again, a major player in the copper business." The applause went on for nearly 20 minutes.

Juan turned around to walk away when he ran into a solid man in uniform. He looked up into the eyes of his son, Roger. He exclaimed, "Roger, why didn't you tell me you were coming, how long can you stay?"

He grabbed the huge man hugging him for all he was worth, and, yes, Juan was crying, but they were tears of happiness. Roger grinned and said, "I am here to stay, I am now Chief Ranger for New Mexico, Southern Colorado, Utah and part of Nevada!" It was beginning to look like Anita was going to have to drive again when the 6 foot, 5 inch giant man picked Juan up and set him on the seat of a Ford F-250 Forest Service truck, complete with Red Lights and a siren. He turned to his Aunt Anita and said, "Let me take Dad home this time!"

Just then, another man ran up, also in uniform, "Roger, oh boy am I glad to see you!" It was Chief Deputy Sheriff Juanito Peters!"

Roger said, "How ya' doin' Cuz?"

Juanito replied, "I am in charge of the Sheriff station here in Hurley now!"

Anita had them all to their house for supper, it was almost like old times! James drove in to join them for supper, he was a senior in High School. Roger almost didn't recognize him, he is the Star Tackle on the football team and looked to be second cousin to a gorilla! He was following his brothers, he was also the Cadet Commanding Officer of the JROTC Battalion.

The next day, Juan was doing some paperwork at home. A young man in uniform, his left sleeve pinned up indicating the loss of his arm, walked into the General Store with a woman, obviously his wife and three small boys. Jason was waiting on Mrs. Coleman, a long time resident of Hurley. The man, he wore the insignia of a Army Major, asked Jason how to find the home of Mr. Juan Moralis. Jason looked at the man, he seemed kind of familiar, but couldn't recognize him, so he gave directions to Juan's house.

As the man turned, Mrs. Coleman gasped and clutched her chest. Jason ran to her, thinking she was having a seizure. She was shaking like a leaf. Pointing at the man's receding back, she wailed, "That's Danny Moralis, Juan's little boy!"

Jason ran next door to the Volunteer Fire Station and punched the emergency alarm button. The siren on the tower started to scream and people came running. Juanito was first to arrive, Jason said, "Call Roger, QUICK! Dad's boy Danny is here!"

Juanito grabbed his car radio, nearly tearing it off the dash, "Dispatch, this is Sheriff 2, over...."

"Sheriff 2, Dispatch, go ahead......"

"Dispatch call Chief Ranger Moralis and tell him its an emergency and GET HOME, RED LIGHT ESCORT IS AUTHORIZED!... Sheriff 2 out - off duty" He then turned to Jason, "Close the store, come on!" Jason hustled poor Mrs. Coleman out the door and the two took off, with red lights and siren blaring!

Mrs. Coleman proceeded to alert the whole town, Juan was so precious to them all this was a major development! Meanwhile, the young man arrived at Juan's home, recognizing it from memory. He walked up to the door and knocked, when Juan answered the door, the two just stood there and stared, then Juan screamed, "DANNY" and the man screamed, "DADDY!" They hugged each other, and soaked each other's shirt.

Just then Juanito and Jason came screeching in with red lights and siren, right behind them a Forest Service truck with light and siren skidded to a stop and a huge Roger jumped out. Jason grabbed him and pointed, "That's Danny!"

Roger bounded up the steps in a single leap, wrapped his arms around Juan and said, "Dad, we are complete now." He then pulled his Dad and Danny in the door.

By now, the whole town had been alerted, Anita sprinted to Juan's house, John canceled court and James was told to go home NOW from school! Danny went back out to his car and retrieved his Family, it was then that Juan noticed the pinned sleeve. James came running in the door and was quickly appraised of what was happening.

He stepped into the kitchen and made a quick phone call to a room in the Senior's Barracks at West Point, "Phillip, Dad's Boy, Danny came home, I call ya back later!, Bye" He then told the operator he wanted a transatlantic call to the US Navy Base at Rota, Spain. When the young sailor manning the telephones at the Navy Base came on the line, James said, "This is Lt. Moralis' brother please have him call home immediately, his missing brother, Danny, just came home!"

Carlos came running in the back door, he had been teaching at the Elementary School and just got the word! Danny and Juan were not saying anything, just gazing into each other's eyes. It would be several days before it was all sorted out. Danny had been retired from active duty in the Army because of his injuries incurred during a terrorist raid in Beirut. He just wanted to find his Dad, his Mother had been so hateful, he had always been afraid to look Juan up.

Roger looked down at the man, "Danny, you can have no idea just how wrong she was. If a man could walk on water, it would be Dad! Let me tell you what he is like." Roger went on telling Danny all the things Juan had done, the boys he had saved, the town he has rescued from oblivion, the Boy's Home, the Schools, the scholarships, everything. By the time Roger had finished, Danny was weeping. Roger put his arm around him and said, "Danny, you are home now, stay here with us, get to know us, get to know Dad. It's a good place to live and bring up those nephews of mine, BROTHER!"

At that, Danny completely lost control and collapsed on the couch heaving great racking sobs, "So long, so much." When he recovered, he brought his wife to Juan, "Dad, this is my wife, Martha, and our sons George and Carey, twins and Richard. May we stay here with you for a while, I think maybe we will find a place and live here. I saw a school and I am a qualified High School teacher." He didn't see the gleam in his Dad's eye but he felt the arms of three brothers and an Uncle around his shoulders.

Anita and Martha became instant friends and soon they were in the kitchen concocting enough supper to feed everyone. During the meal, the phone rang, it was Bobby. Between Juan, Bobby and Danny, they tried to sort out the world-wide communication system. Both Roger and Juanito took two weeks leave, Phillip broke his budget calling every night and tying up the barracks phone from West Point. The Superior Court Calendar was cancelled for nearly a month! It turned out that there really was an opening for a Math and Science teacher at the High School, Danny was hired immediately and they built a house very near Juan's. Juan was in High Heaven, three grandchildren to spoil, right in his own backyard.

The next event was Phillip's Graduation from West Point. He graduated first in his classs. Juan got everyone back there for the graduation ceremony, Now, he had only James to finish school. James was headed to Texas A&M, he had a scholarship to major in plant genetics. The years seemed to fly by, Danny's boys were soon back in school and doing as well as their cousins before them.

Bobby and Charlotte came home on leave before he was transferred to Japan. First Lieutenant Robert Moralis proudly showed off his new son, Edward Juan to everyone in town. All too soon, the young family headed to Japan for a two year assignment.

Danny became a favorite teacher at the High School, he had inherited his Dad's personality and teachers and students alike thought he walked on water! The smelter thrived and they installed a wire mill to make electric wire. Another 70 people were hired, there wasn't a house to be found in Hurley! A third shift was needed at the mine in order to keep up with the improved smelter. It seemed only a few months when Bobby and his family returned from Japan. Phillip was also visiting, he was a Rhodes Scholar and had just been promoted to first Lieutenant. Bobby was sporting new Captain's Bars when they arrived. Charlotte was expecting again and Bobby was being posted to Beirut, so it was decided that she and Edward would stay with Juan while he was in Beirut. His thirty days leave went by at lightning speed and Bobby had to go. The entire family accompanied Bobby to Las Cruces, it was well they did.

Juan went back to watching the news intently for any hint of trouble wherever one of HIS boys were! James was appointed Director of a new laboratory owned by the Department of Agriculture. The Home was again full and a new wing was started. When completed, they would have a capacity for 600 boys! It was Juan's policy that they would take any boy from anywhere. There were even a few who came on their own, John Peters always had a few Custody Forms in his pocket! One dramatic arrival took place shortly after Bobby left; Juan was enjoying a stroll around the ground of the Home when he heard, "Shhhhh, somebody will hear you." And then a small child started crying. Juan knew trouble when he heard it, so he went searching through the shrubbery. Finally, near the vent outlet from the laundry, where it was a little warmer, he found a teen boy and a toddler. The teen looked up and threw his arms around the small child, screaming, "NO, he is my son, you cannot take him from me!"

Juan knelt down, holding the teen to prevent him from running, "Son, I wouldn't take this child from you but I would take you both inside and feed you. Please, come with me?"

At that, the teen burst into tears, "You're Mr. Juan, aren't you?"

Juan replied, "I guess so, but please come inside and let us help you both." He gently picked up the small child and led the teen inside. Once inside, he called Joe Greer, their newly hired ex-Navy Corpsman. He handed the child to Joe, telling the teen that Joe was a medic and he would check the baby out and clean him up.

The teen was uncertain until Joe said, "Come on, you can help." Joe took them into the First Aid Room and proceeded to undress the small child. The little boy was surprisingly clean and well cared for.

Juan sat down with the teen and said, "He is your son?"

The teen replied, "Yes Sir, I got a girl in trouble and she refused to keep our baby. They were going to give him away, I couldn't let that happen, he is MY SON!" He continued, "Here, look, these are his birth papers - that is my name where it says Father!"

Juan asked, "How old are you son?" The boy replied, "I will be 18 in two weeks."

Juan made a decision, "Son, we are going to keep you here until you are 18, then we will notify the authorities and tell them you are working here as a groundskeeper!" He turned to Joe saying, "No record for two weeks!"

The teen flew into Juan's arms crying in relief. He related that some students at the University, where he had hid out for a couple of days, had told him about The Home and Mr. Juan. He said that his name was Eric Halterman and he had named his son Eric, Jr. Eric would work keeping the grounds neat and trimmed until his retirement.

The little boy soon became a favorite of the boys, before he was 5 years old he was a fierce competitor on the ball field and would become a minor league hero after graduating from High School.

Charlotte had her baby, a little girl who sported the family curse, RED HAIR! They named her Gail Edwina and they were sure that they were going to be forced to fight off every boy in the county! As it was, there WERE several fights to see who was going to baby-sit! Bobby's tour in Beirut was extended, he was promoted to Major and was the Battalion Executive Officer. With the news coming out of that awful place, Juan's nerves were worn nearly to a frazzle. Phillip came home sporting new Captain's bars and assignment to the Pentagon. Roger was transferred to the headquarters of the Department of the Interior and Juanito was elected County Sheriff. Carlos became the Elementary School Principal and Amanda Gorman retired as High School Principal and was replaced by David Fellows, a young combat veteran who Juan had hired a few years earlier as a Social Studies Teacher. James completed requirements at the University of Arizona for his doctorate in Plant Genetics.

On a sleepy Sunday afternoon, towards the end of June, 1996 Juan was dozing on the new porch swing his children had given him for his 56th birthday the day before. A large black sedan drove up and a senior Navy Officer got out of the car, Juan's chest clutched in fear and he began to tremble, "Dear God, no." he silently screamed. Lt. Colonel Robert Edward Moralis, USMC, had been killed in the bombing of the Khobar Marine Barracks in Beirut. Juan screamed and collapsed on the floor. Anita had been in the kitchen talking with Charlotte, both women came running. Charlotte and Juan had to be put to bed and sedated.

The outpouring of grief in that small town was at flood level. The smelter shut down so that the employees might attend the funeral. The High School JROTC Honor Guard and Colors Team, under the command of Juanito's son, Juan Robert Moralis led the solemn march from the rotunda of Moralis High School to the family plot in the Hurley Cemetery. Friends and dignitaries from all over the country flooded into Hurley. Bobby's Brothers were the pallbearers and a distraught Juan had to be helped during the procession. Charlotte clung to her babies and put on a strong front for their sakes. It would be many months before either of them could regain their emotional balance.

Phillip, now a US Army Major, gave the eulogy, "Today we bury our Beloved Brother, Wonderful Son, Incredible Nephew and Friend beyond compare." Turning to Charlotte, he continued, "As hard as this is, we know that Robert Edward Moralis lives on in his Wife and in his Children. He leaves a legacy of valor and integrity, honor and fidelity that will live on." Then turning to Juan, he continued, "Bobby was a unique man, nurtured by his Father and sent forth in this world that the rest of us might be safe. Dad, that is not Bobby in the casket, it is only his husk. His essence is all around us, in the air, in the sky, in our people. Take joy that he gave his life that the rest of us might be safe in our beds tonight." Phillip then knelt and kissed the casket of his beloved brother and said, "Goodbye for now, Brother."


Life slowly returned to the Family, Juan continued his work with The Home. He took great joy in being around the boys and they, without exception, looked upon him as their own, personal Grandfather! Charlotte bought a home in Hurley, next door to Danny and his family. She never remarried. David Fellows resigned as High School Principal so that he could return to the University and obtain his Doctorate in Education. Danny Moralis became Principal, a position he would hold for the remainder of his working career. Like his Father, he was held in great esteem by the students and was known universally as "Mr. Dan"! Juanito's son, Juan Robert Moralis continued in his Uncle Bobby's footsteps and won an appointment to Annapolis. Upon graduation he entered the Marine Corps and served for the next thirty years, attaining the rank of Brigadier General. Carlos' two sons stayed in Hurley, Edward Carlos Moralis joined the Sheriff Department and would eventually fill the position of County Sheriff like his Uncle. Juan Carlos Moralis became an Elementary School Teacher and would replace his Father as Principal when his Father retired. Bobby and Charlotte's son, Edward Juan Moralis attained a degree in Political Science at the University of New Mexico and entered a lifetime career in politics. His sister, Gail Edwina Moralis became a Pediatric Surgeon and was the Chief of Pediatric Surgery at University Hospital in Las Cruces. Phillip never married, he became General Moralis, US Army. The Moralis Foundation Corporation continued to prosper and the Moralis Boy's Home grew to an international reputation. The Moralis Schools had waiting lists years long, some parents entered their children's names on the waiting list at birth!


June 6, 2039 - We are sad to report the death of beloved Hurley resident, Mr. Juan Edward Moralis. Mr. Moralis was a philanthropist of the first order, he founded Moralis Boy's Home, The Moralis Schools and was Chairman of the Board of Moralis Foundation Corporation. His son, General Phillip Moralis, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, read the eulogy. Another son, Mr. Roger Moralis, Former Secretary of The Department of the Interior under two administrations, led the Formal March to the Cemetary. Mr. Moralis' Grandson, The Honorable Edward Moralis, Governor of the State of New Mexico ordered all flags flown at half mast in Honor of Mr. Juan Edward Moralis. The Funeral Cavalcade began at the Rotunda of Moralis High School, it was led by the High School JROTC Drum and Pipe Company, followed by the JROTC Color Guard and Honor Guard. More than 4,000 men, all graduates of Moralis Boy's Home marched behind the casket, paying honor to their benefactor. Mr. Moralis leaves a great hole in the hearts of many, this reporter included, I was a Moralis Boy. Mr. Moralis was 90 years old and a native son of Hurley. The youngest Moralis Brother, Dr. James Moralis, PhD assumes the Position of CEO and Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Moralis Foundation Corporation.