
Chapter Ten

Tor and I are curious when the dean of the school of sciences sends a letter asking us to come to the main campus for a conference on the first day of spring break.

"Wonder what's up?" I ask.

"Have no idea, but it's odd that he wants both of us. I don't know of any meeting on campus that we should be attending."

"Oh, well, we were going to see the kids anyway."

"Yeah. I can't believe how fast Andy and Sergei have grown up. You realize that next year they'll be teenagers?"

"Stop! You're making me feel old."

Tor grins. "Well I did notice you have a gray hair or two."

"Do not!"

"Oh, yes, you do." Before I can stop him he's pulled a hair from my head and holds it out. "See?"

"Damn! I'm going to get some of that hair color for men. If I've got 'em, you have too. You're older."

"The advantage of being a blond. They don't show."

"Like hell. I'll bet you've been dying your hair. Come to think of it, it does look awfully bright."

"Because I just washed it." He swats me on the behind. "Go fix dinner, old man."

"Call me old man one more time and you'll eat at McDonalds, if you get anything."

He hugs me. "Remember those lines from the poem - 'come grow old along with me, the best is yet to be,' or something like that?"

I hug him back. "Who else would have me now? I love you, Tor."

"Not a bit more than I love you. We've had a good life so far."

"We sure have. It may have started rough for both of us, but we've had the best since we got together."

Tor looks thoughtful for a moment. "Yeah. As much as I hated Vince, I guess we owe him for getting us together, then giving us a good start."

"Which I hope we've repaid with Mike and Tommy."

"More than. I just wish Mike would find a girl and get married. It's funny, because I always thought he'd marry first."

"So did I. But he seems happy enough."

"Who wouldn't be? Tommy and Andrea and the kids seem to fill his life. He ought to have kids of his own the way he loves Andy and Sergei."

I have to smile. "Those two keep him so busy I guess he's glad for a little peace and quiet when he's home alone."

"There're times I have to stop and think who the real parents are. I swear they're both around Mike more than they're home."

"Well, he said when Andy was born that he was going to be the best uncle a kid ever had."

"Hell, those two don't even think of him as an uncle. You'd think he was their age."

"I don't know why they didn't just go together and buy one big house. Tommy and Andrea are in and out of Luc's and Steph's as much as they are their own, and vice versa."

Tor shakes his head. "I never thought that closeness would last. I'm glad for all their sakes." He reaches over and swats me again. "You gonna fix something to eat, or not?"

"Hell, no. Let's go to the pier. We haven't been there in quite a while."

Monday morning, Tor and I walk into the dean's office, surprised to see Joynes and Langford both there. After we exchange greetings and some small talk, the dean calls the conference to order.

"Tor, Drew, the reason I've asked you here is to consider a proposition I hope you'll both accept. Tom and Martin are retiring at the end of this semester. It is the considered opinion of all of us, and the faculty committee, that you should both rise to the chairs of the respective departments."

Tor and I simply stare at each other. This was the last thing we could have thought of as a reason for this meeting.

"There have to be some people senior to us," Tor says at last.

"Not that many. We've had a number of retirements lately. There's only one eligible man in Tom's department, and he's refused flatly because he plans to retire in two years."

"But Tor hasn't taught on this campus, and I only filled in for Joynes that one year."

"And did a superb job. There's no one even close to you in experience, Drew, nor do I know where we'd find anyone."

"How long do we have?" Tor asks. "We'll have to move and all that."

The dean shakes his head. "I'm late in getting on this. After two weeks we'll have to advertise the jobs, but I'm afraid we'll never find anyone equal to Drew to replace Martin. God knows he's had enough offers from other schools over the years."

Joynes grins at me. 'And I didn't tell them about you, Drew, because I damn well wanted you to take over. There's none better."

"Just as I expect you to fill my shoes, Tor," Langford adds.

Tor looks at the dean and shakes his head. "This is most unexpected. Drew and I are going to have to talk this over, because we won't be separated again. It's a big decision."

"I know. Do give it your most serious consideration, because it's almost unheard of to have two related but separate departments operate so smoothly. That's why we want you both to take over. I know that cooperative spirit will grow even stronger because of you. Your administrative duties will be minimal, and I have no plans for major changes unless there are some you wish to make after you've been here long enough to see how things are operating. You'll both be teaching only a few graduate classes."

"Thank you. Tor and I will reach a decision as soon as possible," I tell the dean.

"Excellent." He looks at Langford and Joynes. "Anything else, gentlemen?"

Both stand and shake their heads. "That's it," Joynes says.

The four of us walk out together, Joynes and Langford using the time to urge us to take the promotions.

Joynes gets in the last word. "Just think, Drew, now you can pass off the undergraduates to some other poor sucker."

"Yeah. If I can find one. You know of any?"

He grins. "Just might. I'll send you his credentials if you take the job."

"Shit!" Tor yells when we're in our car. "I thought we'd be at the beach until we retired."

"Me, too. Damn, I hate the thought of moving."

"I guess there's one good thing."

"Like what?"

"We'll be close to the kids, so we can watch our grandson and Sergei grow up."

"I guess, but I don't want them thinking we're doing this to meddle in their lives."

"As if we would. They're smart enough to understand that."

"Oh, damn!"


"Do you realize this will make us Mike's bosses? He splits his time between the two departments."

Tor grins. "If I have to get on his ass about something it won't be the first time."

"That's not likely, and you know it. Besides, he's a tenured full professor now."

"I hope he isn't going to resent us if we take the jobs."

"I doubt it. He's level headed in his work. But I'll not give him any special consideration."

"Nor will I."

We don't say anything to the kids until Andy has gone to bed. Once we're settled with an after dinner drink, I say, "Mike, how would you feel about having your fathers as your boss?"

He looks at us questioningly, then it dawns. "I heard a rumor that Langford and Joynes were retiring. You guys have been offered their chairs, haven't you?"

Tor nods. "Just this afternoon. Drew and I haven't decided yet, of course. Will it be awkward for you?"

Mike gets up and hugs both of us. "Hell, no. That's fantastic!" Then he turns and looks at Tommy. "Hey, bro, we'll all be together again."

For the first time since Andy was born, I see tears trickle down Tommy's face as he jumps up and joins us. "I … I've wanted this so much. All our family in one place."

Andrea comes over to hug Tor and me. "This is wonderful! You don't know how important family is to an Indian. I know Tom loves me and Andy, but there's been something missing ever since we moved here. You're his family and mine, too. I'm so glad you'll be nearby. Andy will be delighted."

"You can move in with us," Tommy adds. "There's plenty of room."

"No, babe. Drew and I appreciate it, but this is your home. We'll try to find a place close by."

"Mike?" I ask.

"What? This is great."

"How do you feel about Tor and me being heads of the departments you work in? Be honest, now."

"If I haven't figured out how to live around you guys by now, I never will." He grins. "Bet you won't be on my ass half as much as Joynes was."

"Oh?" Tor asks.

"Yeah. He always wanted me full time. Kept bitchin' about the classes I taught for Langford and vice versa."

Tor grins. "I think Drew and I can share your talent without raggin' you about it. In fact, you'll probably be doing less work for Drew because he's the one taught you all the tricks."

"Yeah. But you know, I still like doing sections. It's fun teaching that."

"Be my guest! Drew still can't do them as well as you, so l'm betting he'll let you continue to teach that."

"Absolutely! You're sure about how you'll feel, babe?"

Mike hugs us again. "Damn sure. You know, if you guys get a house big enough, I'd like to move in with you."

"You aren't happy with us?" Andrea asks.

Mike leans over and kisses her. "You know I am, but I'm getting so many books I'm about out of room in the flat, and if dad and Tor move, they'll bring their labs along and I can work at home. I've been wanting to start some research, but it's hard to have a personal lab at the U."

"Don't jump the gun, Mike. We haven't made up our minds about this."

"Would you sell our home at the beach?" Tommy asks.

"I'd hate to, but we can't afford two homes." Tor says.

"Why not? I mean you could maybe rent it to some of the people who will take your place at the Institute, and we could all go there in the summer."

"I suppose that's one option, but don't rush us. We've got a hell of a lot to work out."

Tor and I are tired when we got to bed, but it's an emotional tiredness, so we talk a little.

"I'd like to keep our home at the beach, too, because I'd like to go back there when we retire. I think we can do it." I tell him.


"The mortgage is paid off, and our salaries will jump a third at least. This area is growing so fast that even if we retire before we pay off a house here, we'll likely sell it at a profit."

Tor thinks for a minute. "That's right, Drew. The big problem is going to be finding a house here."

"Yeah. I wish we could build."

"No time. Maybe we'd better see a realtor tomorrow and see what's available. I want something close to the kids."

"I do, too, but I hate making a change at this point in our lives."

"So do I." Tor pulls me against him and we cuddle up together like we haven't for quite a while.

We're rudely awakened the next morning when the bed seems to implode. Andy has jumped in on top of us. "Wake up, gran'pa!"

I grab the imp and tickle him. "You're supposed to let old folks sleep. Besides, you're a little too old to be jumping in bed with your grandfathers."

He hugs me, then Tor. "Why? I love you."

"We love you too, babe." Tor swats him on the butt. "Now go 'way and let us get dressed."


Tor hugs me. "Remember when Mike used to do that? God, how I love kids."

"Funny to me how you're such a grouch when I wake you, but you love it when our kids do it."

Tor grins. "You're just the love of my life, but Andy's our grandson."


I guess with us here, Tommy and Andrea know we'll look after Andy because they haven't come down. I fix breakfast and we've just sat down when Sergei comes in on crutches. He pulls out a chair and sits down next to Andy. "Sergei eat breakfast here?"

"You didn't eat at home?"

"Naa. Dad's still asleep."

"Okay." I get up and fix enough for all of us. "Tell Luc I want to see him this morning."

He nods.

"Why are you on crutches, Sergei?" Tor asks.

"My leg hurts. Dad says Sergei gotta go to the hospital to get it fixed. Sergei don't wanna." None of us have been able to teach Sergei the personal pronoun I.

"Oh. I'm sorry."

The kids gobble down their breakfast, then go outside. Mike wanders in still half asleep, his hair tousled. "You feed the monsters?"

"Yeah. What's with you?"

"I was reading late last night, then Sergei wakes me at the crack of dawn."

"Why's he using crutches?"

"I guess you've noticed how fast he's started to grow. The doctor said the bone in his stump is growing and needs to be cut back before he can be comfortable with leg. Sergei is scared, so I'm trying to convince him when he gets a new leg with a foot, he can play soccer. He's got a good chance of making the junior team at his school if he does."

I shake my head. "I'm glad I was grown before I lost mine."

"It's hard on a kid like Sergei. I think it brings back some bad memories from when before he came to this country. Nearly every morning he comes to my flat and crawls in bed with me, wanting me to hold him."

"Surely Luc and Steph reassure him," Tor says.

"They do, but he seems to want assurance from someone else. I'm glad he thinks so much of me." He grins. "Sure does make it hard when I want to sleep-in though."

"You're wonderful with both Andy and Sergei, Mike, but isn't it time you got married and had some kids of your own?"

"Naa. Guess I'm past that now." He grins again. "Saves me all that trouble with diapers and two o'clock feedings." His face sobers. "Guess you guys are going to have to get used to the idea that I'm not going to get married."


He shrugs. "I don't know. Guess I never found the right woman."

"You aren't gay, are you?" Tor asks.

Mike shakes his head. "You know guys don't appeal to me. I … I just don't have much of a sex drive."

"Have you seen a doctor?" I ask.

"No. Not going to, either."

"Why not? He could help you, perhaps prescribe something like Viagra."

"Let it be, dad."

"Oh, Mike. You know we just want you to be happy."

"I know."

"We won't push you, Mike, but you know we're here for you any time you want to talk." Tor tells him.


When Tor and I talk after Mike has gone back to his apartment, what he's told us concerns us enough to sway our decision to move here. If he moves in with us, perhaps we can find out what's on his mind.

Tommy and Andrea come down a bit later. "It was so wonderful to sleep late this morning," Andrea says. "Thank you for taking care of Andy."

"No trouble. Sergei came over for breakfast, too." I tell them.

Tommy laughs. "Like every weekend. He might as well move in because he's over here, if Andy's not over there. Luc and Steph have given up trying to keep him home."

After Andrea has fixed something for her and Tommy, I ask, "You know what's worrying Mike?"

"I didn't know anything was," Tommy replies. "I noticed he wasn't much like himself for about a month, but then he was okay again."

Andrea shakes her head. "That's all I've noticed."

Tor shrugs. "I wish he had come to us if he was depressed over something, but he never said anything. We told Sergei to ask Luc to come over this morning."

"Fine. They'd probably come over anyway."

"You don't mind living in each other's pockets?" Tor asks.

Tommy grins. "Just like at school."

"It's wonderful," Andrea adds. "This way there's always someone to watch the kids if we want to go somewhere."

"How about grandfathers?"

Tommy's face lights up. "You guys decided to move here?"

"Not yet, but we're thinking more seriously about it. Drew says we can do it and still keep our home at the beach. Now it depends on what we can find around here. I thought Luc might know of something."

"If you want to be close to us, he will if anybody does. I wish you could get the house across the street, then there wouldn't be anybody else on this street but us."

Luc walks in the back door. "You wanted to see me?"

"Thanks for coming over. We need a realtor, so we thought you might be able to suggest one."

Luc's mouth drops open. "You guys are moving up here?"

"If we can find a suitable place. Tor and I have been offered department chairs at the U."

"That's wonderful. Steph's going to be as happy as I am to hear that. Sergei will, too. I wish you could get that house across the street; it's all grown up and nobody's lived there since we've been here."

"That would be good for us, if it's anywhere near the same layout as this house and yours," Tor says.

"Let me go home and find the card of the realtor I used. He probably knows more about this neighborhood than any one else." Luc winks at us. "He's gay, so he has an inside the others don't. Be back in a minute."

It's near half an hour before Luc returns with a broad grin. "Quint will be here in about twenty minutes to show you the house. He says it's not officially on the market and the owner wants more than it's worth, but he thinks he can get him down on the price because he's heard he's planning to build in another area."

"Good. Let's get another cup of coffee and talk it over."

This development is a mile or so out of town and well off the highway, so there hasn't been much building as yet. Luc tells us that the developer lost his shirt on this one, and the prices are low in comparison. The layout is a bit unusual, for other than the main road in and a few through streets, all the streets are short cul-de-sacs with only three or four homes or lots on each, making it perfectly safe for kids to play. Both Andy and Sergei have rollerblades and stay in the street. I'm amazed at how adept Sergei has become on one blade with his crutches.

We're still talking when the realtor gets here. I like the man the moment he greets Luc and us. He's younger than Mike and friendly without overdoing it.

"Much as I'd love to sell you that house, I'll be frank. The owner's asking what Luc and Stephan paid for theirs, even though it was never completely finished. You'll see when we go through it."

"Quint, Drew and Tor are Tommy's and Mike's fathers. We really want them on this street, and they need a place because they'll be moving by June first."

Quint looks delighted. "A street with everyone kin and/or best friends. That's fabulous! Why you could put a gate across the end of the street if you wanted. There's only about a hundred feet on each side of the street that isn't already fenced in." He looks at Tor and me. "The big drawback is that maintenance of the streets, other than the main road, are the responsibility of the property owners on that street. All these cul-de-sacs are private, not public."

"It looks in good condition," Tor says.

"It was very well built; the developer went for the best." He shakes his head. "Poor guy just underestimated the distance people living here would be willing to drive to get to the highway, and everybody living here commutes. Not going to be long before people start looking this way again. The way this area is growing, I think you'll be in a position to make a few bucks on this place after a few years. Well, here we are."

Quint unlocks the door and pushes it open. It's immediately apparent what he meant when he told us the place was never finished. The walls have never been painted, nor light fixtures installed, other than a few bare bulbs in temporary sockets. There are no kitchen appliances other than a beautiful double sink and some nice cabinets. He shows us the large unfinished room over the two-car garage, then assures us that the heat and air conditioning system is state of the art.

"If we can reach a price with the owner, I know the contractor who built this house, and I think he could finish the main part in time for you to move in. He's a good man and he's always been unhappy that he never got to finish this place. I don't know if he can get the room over the garage finished by June or not."

"That would be perfect, because we would make some changes in it anyway," I tell him.

We go back to Tommy's and work out the financing requirements, telling Quint we'll be using the state employees credit union again if we buy. "Excellent. We never have a problem with them, and you're a sure bet having used them before. They already know this property because the one other family that looked at it was going to use them, too."

"What happened?" Tor asks.

Quint shakes his head. "The owner wouldn't come down on his price." Quint grins. "Of course he wasn't ready to build then. I expect he's getting a little hungry now. Want me to see if I can get in touch with him today?"

"Please, but don't worry if you can't. We'll be here for a few more days. Do you have Tommy's number?"

"That I do. First time I ever sold houses side by side within two days. I do have another house a few block down I can show you, and plenty of lots like the one back of this, but I don't think you're interested in building if you've got to be in by the first of June."

"Not a chance."

"Then I'll go start making some calls. I'll let you know the minute I know something."

We walk out with him and, after he drives off, I step back and look at the three houses, then start to laugh.

"What's so damn funny?" Tor asks.

"Take a look. Except for the color of the trim, all three of these are identical outside, and the same floor plans. If we were the drinking type there's no telling whose bed we might wind up in."

"Damn well better be only ours."

Luc laughs. "We're always glad to have you visit, Drew, but Steph's the only guy I want in my bed."

"Same here," Tor says.

This is too good for me to miss. I look at him with a raised eyebrow. "When did you get this big thing for Stephan?"

"What the hell you mean?"

"Luc said he only wanted Stephan in his bed, and you said you wanted the same."

Luc's laughter makes it worse. Tor turns red with embarrassment. "Damn it, Drew, you know what I meant."

"You should have said it."

"Hell." He grabs me and plants a big kiss on me, which I return.

When Tor turns me loose, Luc says, "You guys know the old saying: It's okay so long as you don't do it in the street and frighten the horses. That's the big advantage to living out here, not many people yet. Good thing, too. Before you got him calmed down, Drew, Sergei used to run out of the house with nothing on. Embarrassing as hell. The last time was the time I paddled his behind."

Tor grins. "I've swatted Andy a time or two myself."

Luc chuckles. "Mom and dad were here and I didn't think they were ever going to forgive me."

"That's grandparents for you. Let's get another cup of coffee."

Luc glances at his watch. "By then Steph ought to have lunch ready. You're all eating with us."

I don't know whether it's dread or anticipation, but I'm a bit antsy when Quint hasn't called back by bedtime. Tor laughs when I mention it.

"No telling where the man is. I'm sure Quint's doing his best. We're not desperate yet."

"I know, but I hate waiting."

Tor smiles. "You just want to be living with the kids around us again."

"And you don't?"

"I was getting used to them not being around all the time, but I have to admit it'll be fun being with Andy so much, Sergei, too."

"I'm glad we'll be here when he goes to the hospital. I hope our schedules will allow us to be with him when Luc and Stephan can't."

"They're waiting that long?"

"Stephan told me they thought it best he not miss school at the end of the year, and there was a risk that if he went back on crutches he might get his stump hurt. Sergei doesn't seem to mind using crutches, especially since he doesn't ride the school bus."

"That's good. I forgot the guys drop him off on their way to work. What do they do about picking him up?"

"Andrea's school lets out an hour earlier, so she picks up Sergei and Andy and brings them home if Luc can't."

"I'm glad. Those two hellions would cause a riot on the bus."

It's Wednesday morning before Quint shows up. He has a big smile when Tommy lets him in.

"We're in luck! I finally got hold of Anderson last night, and I guessed right; he's wanting to sell. I got him down five because there aren't any kitchen appliances, and got another three because the place isn't completely finished." He looks at us. "I think it's still two or three above what it should be, but that's the best I could do. The kicker is he wants the money like yesterday."

Tor looks at me, and I nod. "Then Drew and I should see the credit union immediately. We'll do that this afternoon."

"Do, and let me know as soon as your loan is approved. I'll call the contractor as soon as I get back to the office and see when he can start. I'll have the keys for you, too."

"We appreciate your help, Quint."

"My pleasure. I'll be gaining from this, too, because I signed an exclusive agreement with the developer when he started. Once you get the place looking good, it will encourage others thinking about buying out here." He grins. "I know three identical houses don't turn people on, but now I can tell them it's because you're all one family and your street is a private enclave."

"That's true enough."

Apparently we're satisfactory with the credit union, because it takes no more than a half hour to fill out the forms and receive assurance that our mortgage request will be considered at the board meeting the next night. When Tor and I are back at Tommy's we begin to discuss all the things facing us, decisions about paint, wallpaper, appliances, moving our stuff. It's obvious we'll be coming up nearly every weekend.

"Andrea, do you think you can stand us every weekend?"

"Always. I think it's so wonderful you'll be just across the way." She smiles. "Now Tom and I can get out with Luc and Steph on occasion and let you keep the kids. Of course they think they're quite old enough to be left alone, but I wouldn't dream of it."

"Our pleasure. That's the best thing about our move, getting to be with them and you. The house always seems so empty after you all have been down. Even after all this time, we haven't gotten completely accustomed to not having Tommy and Mike around," I tell her.

"It'll be like old times with Andy and Sergei running in and out," Tor adds.

Andrea smiles again. "The only person who's going to be disappointed is dad. He's going to miss his fishing trips."

"He's always welcome. We'll be happy to have him when we're there on breaks, and we'll be glad to let him have a key any other time."

"That's so nice of you, Tor. Oh!"


She grins. "Guess we'd better keep this a secret from mother as long as we can. Her first words when we moved out here were 'at least Andy won't be around those queers so much. Maybe he'll turn out normal.' We didn't tell her Luc and Steph are next door. They make themselves scarce when she's here, and she thinks Sergei is adorable."

Tor and I both laugh. Margaret's comments have long since stopped bothering us.

Friday morning we meet Quint at the credit union to sign the final papers, and get a set of keys. He's kind enough to say he'll hold another set for the contractor to use when he starts work in two weeks.

"I'm surprised he can get to us this fast," Tor says.

"He's just finishing up one house and has a crew beginning another. But as soon as his finish people are free he'll send them over. He's delighted to have a small job to keep them busy until the house under construction is ready for them."

"I'm glad it isn't sooner," I say. "We need to decide on paint and all that."

"And we'll need to work out a floor plan for the room over the garage. That's where we'll have our labs." Tor adds.

"You don't conduct any business from home, do you?" Quint quickly asks.

"Not at all. Our labs are for our personal research purposes. Why?"

"There's a covenant against any type of home business in the deed you will get. The Pines is strictly residential. I should have mentioned that. I'm sorry."

"Not to worry. Drew and I have all we can do with our research and writing." Tor grins. "We expect to be spending a lot of time with our grandson, too."

Quint shakes his head. "Hope I can pull off what you did. I'd love to have a son and grandchildren some day, but you guys aren't anywhere near old enough to be grandfathers."

I smile. "There are days I feel that old, but not many. Tor and I were lucky to find a kid like Mike, and later, Tommy."

Quint actually blushes. "I wish Mike was gay. I could fall for him very easily."

"Drew and I are prejudiced, but we think he turned out well to have a couple of gay fathers."

"He's a great guy. I wish all straights were as accepting as he, and Tom, and Andrea. Luc and Stephan are lucky to have such great neighbors."

"It started in college when the four of them had a suite together. Mike liked Luc particularly because he was a soccer player, and Stephan and Tommy roomed together the semester Mike was at the institute. They got along so well, things just went from there."

"I was wondering because they've never said anything about how they met. Wish I'd been so lucky. Every roommate I had hated gays." He stands. "I'd better get back to work. Give me a call if anything comes up or you need some help with something. I've really enjoyed working with you on this, and I appreciate your business."

"Nice to find a guy who tells it like it is. You've made this a pleasant experience." Tor says.

Over lunch, Tor says, "Tommy, can we borrow your mower? Now that the house is ours, we'd better cut the grass and clean the place up a little before we leave."

Tommy shakes his head. "No, you can't have the mower. The kids can do it."

"Yeah, gran'pa," Andy chimes in. "I wanna do it."

Tommy grins. "Both of 'em love to cut the grass since Luc and I bought a riding mower together. Your grass is long enough it'll need raking. Mike and me'll do it, because a rake handle doesn't seem to fit Andy's hand, nor Sergei's either. Our grass needs cutting, too, so Mike and me will rake yours while the kids cut ours."

"If you've got enough rakes, we'll all do it. I need some exercise; Drew does, too."

I'm surprised at the size of the mower Sergei backs out of their garage. With the two boys taking turns on the mower and four of us raking, it's done in an astonishingly short time. Mike smiles when we're done. "From now on we won't have to rake. This was just too tall for the mower to bag."

"The boys can cut it every time they cut ours, so don't worry about it," Tommy adds.

"In that case, we'll pay them."

"No way," Tommy says.

"Oh, yes, we will. It'll be good for them to start earning something. We paid Mike to do things like this when he was their age."

Mike grins. "We lived on the boat then, didn't have any grass to cut. I used to beg Gary to let me ride the mower at the institute. It was fun."

"Long as we're here, Mike," I pull out the keys to the house, "come on in and pick out your bedroom. You'll have to decide what color you want it painted. And give some thought to the furniture, too."

"This house is just like Tommy's, and I know you guys need the master bedroom, so I'll take the one at the back."

"You sure?"

"Yeah. It's big enough for most of my books and desk. I won't need any furniture cause I have what was in our old flat. Tommy and Andrea got new stuff when we moved."

"Fair enough."

"I'll want a phone line of my own. Want me to order yours when I order mine?"

"Make it three lines, so we'll each have one for our computers, and another for regular use. Make ours an unlisted number," Tor tells him.


"Which comes first, Tor, furniture or paint? It'll be easier if we find furniture we like and paint to match."

"Damn, hadn't thought that much ahead." He shakes his head. "Guess we will be needing furniture if we're gonna keep the house to use in the summer. If we ever move back, we'll have a lot more than we need."

"Not really. I've been thinking we needed some new anyway. We haven't had anything new since we moved and a lot of it is getting worn. I've thought several times we ought to do something about it."

"Hey, it's just gotten comfortable."

"It should be, considering the amount of use it's gotten. But I guess we can put it off with the new house and all. I might get it recovered next year."

Tor grins. "If we're not flat broke by then. We'll come up next weekend and make a floor plan, then look at furniture."

"Good. Eight weeks doesn't give us a lot of time. We've got to decide what we want to bring up here, too."

"I hate like hell to think of moving our labs again."

"In a way it'll be good."


"Yeah. We can both stand to throw away a lot of junk, and with the bath already up there, it'll give us a couple more bedrooms."

"We've got three already."

"Yeah, but the kids will likely be in and out, and the boys are old enough to need bedrooms now. Besides, if they all come at the same time, Mike won't have to use a sleeping bag like he's done."

"Good point. I know damn well if Tommy and Andrea come with Andy, Sergei will have to come, too. Add that to your list."

"Already have. Which reminds me, what about security when we're not using it?"

Tor grins. "Beat you to it on that. I'll give Gary a key and ask him to check on it at least once a week. I'll pay him a little something. If he doesn't want to, perhaps Johnny will, since he's working at the institute now."