The Healer Series

ROOTS - Part Two: Book Four ~ Of The Healer Series

Chapter 1 - BREAKUP

The winter was long and dreary, the terrible storms raged across the land, piling snow and ice many feet deep above the snug and warm Caverns of the First Home of the Dracule. As it sheltered those refugees of a destroyed world thousands of years earlier, it now sheltered two of their descendents, L'oki and his Father, T'kli, the Human Hybrid Warrior Healers, the young Human Warrior Healer Cadets and the Native Humans who had attached themselves to the group. It had been L'oki's Grandfather, M'belec, who had led the Dracule Refugees in settling in the caverns as they escaped their dying world!

The Warrior Healers became teachers, holding classes for both the Cadets and the Human Hunters, who kept them supplied with food. Two very special Cadets, Ton and Kal had been rescued from starvation when the Warrior Healers first landed in North America and subsequently accepted into the Cadets, affectionately known as CAPERS for their distinctive red capes. Ton and Kal had "adopted" Lymal and L'oki, the leaders of the Order of Warrior Healers, as their Poppas! The two boys were fast learners as well as powerful mind-speakers. Over the winter they had learned to read and they were rapidly devouring the library left there by the original Dracule Refugees so long ago. They also served as a bridge between the Human Native Hunters and the Hybrid Warriors, as the boys learned, so also did the hunters.

No longer did the natives think the Warrior Healers were gods, but they would follow their Warriors through the front gates of hell itself! Their love was returned, the Warriors taught the hunters to read, tutored them in the arts and sciences that had been lost thousands of years earlier and ensured their hurts and illnesses were treated.

As the icy fingers of winter started to loosen its hold, the folk taking shelter in the Caverns began thinking of resuming their trek. Their objective was to return to the native folk the civilization they had lost during the Great Upheaval three thousand years earlier. The sheet of ice covering their shelter melted and sunlight could be seen when the outside doors were opened.

All the Cadets were busy renewing their clothing, the past year had seen boys pass into adolescence, especially Ton and Kal. Kal, being a bit older, was proudly sporting a few hairs on his upper lip and his trousers were more like summer shorts! Ton had grown several inches and gained so much weight, he could no longer fit in his trousers! Both boys had also bloomed intellectually. They were more assertive and positive in attitude. They were both rapidly becoming leaders! That was never more apparent than when they were with the Hunters, even the Headman looked to the two boys for leadership and guidance!

Every day, Hunters went forth to replenish the food stocks and to check on the condition of the ice, they were waiting for BREAKUP, the melting of the ice until it could no longer support itself and would crumble and breakup. Whenever the Hunters were outside, they could hear the ice pack groaning and squealing like something live.

One morning they opened the outside doors and bare earth confronted them, the ice had crumbled and was melting in the bright sunshine. Ton had been with the hunters, he came dancing back inside and broadcast to all who could receive, "THE ICE IS GONE."

There began a flurry of activity, readying the group for departure. They cleaned the Caverns and closed up all the rooms. They charged the power cells and stored them away and got ready to continue their journey. Not knowing what to expect, the Warriors began flying reconnaissance flights and the Hunters prepared dried meats and vegetables to feed them along the way. The Hunter's Headman, Ger, conferred with Ton and Kal, he had only rudimentary mind-speak ability, so they decided that Ton would travel with the Hunters, trading off with Kal whenever Ton was needed for classes.

The day of departure arrived and the folk lined up outside the rock door protecting the Caverns. When all had been accounted for, T'kli closed the doors and sealed them with the palm of his hand. They were DNA protected, only one of his blood could reopen them.

The trek began slowly, they had the winter months of kinks and aches to work out before a steady march would begin again. They moved across the high plateau of the old states of Wyoming and Montana, visiting isolated tribes of native folk. Whenever they came to an area where there was a concentration of folk, they paused and built a hospital. There became a line of hospitals, all manned by Warrior Healers and their Cadets, across the northern tier of North America. There were few folk as far north as Canada, but where they found them, hospitals appeared there also.

Spring turned into summer while they crossed the rugged mountains of the Rockies. As they moved down the slopes, more and larger towns were encountered. They entered the large town of Boi, nearly 10,000 folk lived there raising cattle and drying the meat for sale. The people heated their homes with coal, found in nearby open pits. The homes were mostly fired mud brick, and some stone. Their families tended to be large and they were a mixture of descendents of the old races.

As they came into town, they discovered armed guards on every street, family men went about with a club or a spear in their hand. As they met with the town Headman, Lymal asked why the men seemed ready for war. The Headman shook his head sadly, "We are plagued with those who capture our children and sell them for slaves elsewhere." His visitor's reaction thoroughly frightened the Headman, the Warriors' anger was so great, the windows of the building glowed red from their eyes and their fangs dropped into prominence!


Very quietly, Lymal asked, "From where do these slavers come?"

The Headman looked at the awful visage staring him in the face, "Sir, we lose their tracks in the shifting sand of the desert just to our north, beyond that, we just don't know." The man would lie awake many nights, that awful face, the glowing red eyes and THE FANGS. Before the headman could even look away, Lymal and L'oki were jumping through the open windows, shifting in midair to huge Sea Eagles, their Warriors streaming after them. The flight of angry Birds of War shot northward from the town, rattling roofs and setting plants on fire as they went. The poor man sat, huddled on the floor in terror.

Ton helped him up and said, "They are not angry with you, but the slavers will not survive their visit!"

The Headman said, "Bu, Bu, those eyes, those FANGS, what monsters are they?"

Ton held the frightened man's hands, "Not Monsters, your best friends, only those who would hurt us or make slaves of our people need fear The Warriors. Cannibals will not even live long enough to fear them!"

The Headman asked, "Are these Warriors those of our ancient legends?"

Ton replied, "I do not know the legends, but The Warriors came originally from a place they call Lake."

The Headman started to shake, "The legends are true and they have come back to us as they promised!" He raced from the room and soon, the drums began to speak and runners were sent to all the nearby villages, "THE LAKE WARRIORS HAVE RETURNED!" All through the night, the drums could be heard relaying the message.

The Warriors found the settlement of child slavers across the sandy desert. Without slowing, they landed and shifted to their land animals. A nightmare posse crashed through the log walls of the stockade, fearsome bears, raging lions, enormous great apes and a few that defied sane description. No slaver survived.

The Warriors started convoy to bring the captured children home, Ton and Kal listened intently and when they heard the first mind-whispers of their Warriors returning, Ton mind-screeched, "CAPERS-ATTEND ME!" The Cadets raced to meet Ton and Kal who led them across the sandy wastes to meet the returning Warriors, to help carry the rescued children.

The children were injured, sick and had been tortured without mercy to satisfy the fiendish delight of their captors. They converted the school to an emergency hospital and Warrior Healers worked the rest of the night to save the children. Three could not be saved. One died and two required turning.

Morning found Ton, sitting on the floor, holding the lifeless body of a child. He had cried until he had no more tears. He sat there rocking the lifeless form back and forth, his face tortured. When Lymal and L'oki found Ton, he stared at them without recognition, his soul was shattered. L'oki gently took the dead boy from Ton's arms and Lymal picked their son up and cuddled him, Ton looked at Lymal with dead eyes, "Why, Poppa, why?" he asked.

Lymal sat with Ton, holding him and wrapping him in the safety of his arms. He said, "I don't know son, but that is why we are here. No more shall we allow this, no more children shall die."

Ton clung to Lymal's shoulder and said, "Teach me, Poppa, teach me and Kal so that we can help these children not to die."

Lymal hugged his son even tighter, "It is a terrible choice to make, my son, once made, it is forever, it cannot be changed."

The grieving boy said, "I want to do this, Poppa, I must do it."

Behind Lymal, Kal's voice spoke up, "Yes, Poppa, WE must do this thing!" L'oki had returned from giving the child's body to the burial detail and stood beside his mate. Softly he said, "It is right that we do this, Lymal, this is the right thing to do." Lymal nodded his head in agreement and L'oki picked up Kal in his arms.

When they looked up, all the Warrior Healers and the Cadets were standing before them. Each Cadet came up and hugged Ton and Kal, many kissed their foreheads. The Warrior Healers each gave Ton and Kal a hug and a kiss, telling L'oki and Lymal that they would stand watch as the two went into Vigil. They took the boys to their rooms and exchanged blood with them, then sat Vigil for six days while the boys slept their sleep of change. On the 7th day, the boys awoke, clearly they were Human Hybrid Warrior Healers!

As they emerged from their rooms, each Cadet, each Warrior Healer welcomed them. Red Healer Capes were found and local artisans created their gold pins, olive branch and sword crossed! While they had been asleep, a new hospital was begun. It would be named "TON & KAL HEALERS HOSPITAL".

They made their preparations for departure, but outside of where they were staying, crowds of folk stood. When Lymal and L'oki stepped out the door, a great cheer went up! The Headman bowed to them and said, "Our ancient legends told of you and that you would return to us. The land will be safe again. Our Warriors have returned to us!"

The folk began to pass the Legendary Warriors, each thanking them for their return. The Cadets came, carrying those who would ask the wondrous Warriors to heal them. A little girl, mauled by a wild animal, was brought to Ton for healing.

The little girl said, "Please Great Warrior, fix me."

Ton could hardly see the child for the tears in his eyes. Lymal instructed him on what to do. Ton placed his hands on the little girl's body, and channeled his own life energy into her. As they watched, her horrible wounds closed and she became whole once more. The child reached up and kissed Ton on the lips, his eyes went smoky red and his fangs fell to full drop. Kal reached across and closed Ton's mouth, "Don't need to catch flies today, brother!" Ton's face was as red as his eyes! The little girl giggled and hugged Ton before she went running back to her parents.

Lymal whispered in his son's ear, "THAT is why we are here, my son."

The Healers worked for several additional days, the sick and hurt were streaming into Boi from the entire region. They detailed four pair mated Hybrid Warrior Healers to stay and be healers for the Regional Hospital, sixteen Cadets volunteered to stay with their Warrior Healers as well as the two Turned Vampire Healers.

The children lined the path as the Warriors and their Cadets left town, some would recognize a Warrior who had healed them and they would dash out to give that Warrior a last hug. The little girl gave a red faced Ton a bouquet of wild flowers to remember her by.

Chapter 3 - LAKE

As the group passed through villages, more folk asked healing. Every village set up food and drink for their visitors, it was almost a holiday event! Ton and Kal asked that their friends, Cadets Del and Lat to be their assigned Cadets.

As the trek continued, the drums spoke of the "Boy Warriors Healers". They meant Ton and Kal. When they came to a village, young people in need of healing would ask for the "Boy Healers". Ton seemed never to be without a red face! And Kal to only a slightly lesser degree, both would find gifts and flowers pinned to his cloak. Ton's face would turn red all over again! In every village, girls would bring him delicacies to eat and drink and would ask if he had any errands they could run for him.

Kal told him, "You could always make your eyes go red and drop your fangs to scare the girls away."

Ton replied, "I wouldn't dare, Poppa would do something awful, I am sure!"

One girl was more persistent than others and, in exasperation, Ton let his eyes go slightly red. The girl looked at him and screamed, "OOoooH, cute!"

Ton had to hide behind Kal's cloak to get away! As they walked, Del and Lat kept saying, "OHHH cute" Ton was ready to "FANG" them both!

The weather grew milder as they travelled south towards The Lake and villages became more numerous as well as larger. At the larger villages, they stopped and held regional healing clinics and assigned Healers and their Cadets to man a hospital.

At long last, The Lake, nestled in the green valley was seen by those flying aerial guard. Those on the ground, anxious to arrive at their destination, picked up their pace. As they topped the last hill and looked down on their lake, The Lake where the Human Hybrid Warriors had come into being thousands of years earlier, they saw a large town and crowds of folk waiting for them. The drums had spread their message far and wide. Caravans of folk had travelled many days and great distances to greet these fabulous beings of their legends. Tents had been set up to shelter those asking to be healed and food and drink had been set out, waiting to be served to these living legendary beings.

The home of the First Mated Pair, Human Hybrid Warriors, the progenitors of that race, Roger and Little Bear, had been preserved as a memorial park. The home that T'kli remembered as a child was perfectly preserved, he could almost imagine his Grandfather, M'belici, opening the door at his knock.

The Headman of The Lake welcomed them and led them to the area where they could rest and partake of the foods and drinks that had been brought there for them. As they were resting, they heard a young man pleading that a healer come to his daughter, she was dying he said.

Ton jumped up and said, 'I will come to your daughter!" Cadets Del and Lat followed him, ready to assist.

The young father was near hysteria, "My daughter, our baby, was bitten by a snake. Our Healer told us she could do nothing for her." He dropped to knees, "Oh, please, save our baby!" Tears were streaming from the young father's face. He wrapped his arms around Ton's legs, begging for his help.

Ton gently raised the man to his feet and said, "Let us go to your child and see what may be done." The man led them into the tent, there were crying children everywhere. Ton looked around him and mind screamed, "Poppas, children need us, come quickly!" He had sent Lymal and L'oki a mind picture of the horror in that tent. The entire group of Warrior Healers and their Cadets raced to the tent.

Ton followed the young father to his child's bedside, his wife weeping beside the girl. He placed his hands on the child's body as his Father had taught him, pumping energy from his own body into the little girl to combat the poison circulating in her small body. More and more energy was needed. His arms and hands were glowing bright red. He turned to his Cadets, Del and Lat, and commanded, "ADD TO ME."
The Cadets placed their hands on Ton's back feeding energy from their own bodies into his.

At last, all that remained of the snake's attack were two fang marks on the child's leg and they closed without a trace. Ton was completely drained. Del and Lat continued feeding energy to him to restore his vitality.

The little girl opened her eyes and saw her parents, "Mama, Poppa," she cried and held out her arms to be picked up and loved.

Ton was too drained to assist in healing the children, but Kal was in the middle of it, healing broken bones, horrific burns and illnesses. He also became completely drained. He left to join his mate, Ton, at a table. Both were gulping down food and cool juices to restore themselves.

The young family came to Ton and the little child hugged him, saying, "Tank you, tank you." in her child's voice.

The young father asked, "How can we ever repay you?"

Ton smiled and said to the young man, who was hardly older than himself, "Raise your daughter to be a fine woman. That is the only reward I ask."

The young mother hugged Ton and said, "Our legends are true!"

As soon as Ton and Kal had refreshed themselves and insisted Del and Lat do the same, they went to the adult tent to assisted the other Healers. There, they were met with equal horror and hurt. They worked throughout the night repairing broken folk.

Two boys, twins about Ton's own age, lay on the bed together. They had been burned horribly. He later learned the fire had taken both their parents, they were orphans. He called for Kal to assist and proceeded to heal the first boy while Kal healed the other. Del and Lat acted as backup, lest their two young healers overextend themselves. The twins' injuries healed, they fell into a peaceful sleep and Ton and Kal went to other beds, healing those in need.

Late in the afternoon, all the injured were finally treated. They had lost none, but eight men and boys had required Turning to save their lives. Ton and Kal, along with all the other Healers were totally spent. They sat at a long table eating high-energy foods to help restore themselves.

They heard a voice behind them, "Sirs, please....." They turned around and found the two twin boys, whom they had healed from terrible burns, standing there. They were Mel and Mit, they said they were orphaned and had nowhere to go. Both dropped to their knees, "Sir Healers, we are alone in this world, none to care for us. Would you be our Poppas?"

They heard their Fathers' words in their minds, "It is your decision, follow your hearts!"

They picked up the two twin boys and cuddled them in their laps, "Yes, you will be our sons." The boys had death grips on the new fathers' necks!

Later, twelve pairs of Cadets asked for changing to become Human Hybrid Warrior Healers, including Del and Lat. Summer was fast ending, so the decision was made to spend the winter at The Lake and continue their trek the next spring.


The town folk offered homes to the Warrior Healers and their Cadets to stay the winter. They were building a huge new hospital that would serve the surrounding area and beyond. As winter began its icy blasts, the Warrior Healers, their Cadets and the Hunters protected themselves inside the warm homes offered to them by the town folk.

The Warriors flew patrol and had some minor clashes with raiders from distant folk, until they learned to leave the Folk of The Lake alone. Schooling resumed for the Cadets and the Hunters and several of the younger hunters asked and were accepted into the Cadets. Mel and Mit were growing like weeds, with good food and loving care they had become alert, intelligent boys. They, also, asked admittance to the Cadets and were soon proudly wearing the Capes.

The four young Warrior Healers, Ton and Kal, Det and Lat were popular among the young folks of the town, they were always asked for if a Healer was needed. Mel and Mit became Ton and Kal's Cadets as well as their sons. The six of them were usually seen together, whenever Mel and Mit were not in class.

The fierce blasts of winter dumped snow and ice on the town, isolating it from the rest of the world until spring. Warriors would fly patrol over the outlying villages to ensure all was well. A series of signals were devised to alert the Warriors overhead if the village had an emergency or needed a Healer. Several other boys, including the Headman's youngest son, asked for admission as Cadets. They were accepted and there was soon a Cadet to assist every Warrior Healer again.

T'kli entertained everyone with his tales of The Lake and his childhood. The dramatic story of their rescue by Roger and Little Bear and their young band of new Human Hybrid Warriors kept everyone on the edge of their seats for several nights. Ton and Kal vowed that they would visit the shrine to Roger's Older brother, The First Bobby at Bahia de Los Angeles. The Folk of Mariposa have maintained the shrine for thousands of years.

Lymal and his companions will continue their search for isolated communities of humans, bringing them back into the folds of humanity. Along their way, they will heal the differences, sooth the fears and repair the fellowship of Humans, Dracule, Vampires and Warriors wherever they go.