The Protector Series

Book Eight: The Boise Boys


The Wenatchee Boys Hotel was growing rapidly, boys from all over made their way to safety within its walls. The Four Warriors of Saint Michael the Arch Angel, Terry, James, Garth and Gerren, guarded and protected the boys against all that would hurt them. They knew they were faced with a crisis, there were 1,600 boys living within their walls, they were out of room and turning homeless boys away was NOT an option!

Chapter 1 - INTO IDAHO

They had been driving for nearly a week, Gerren was at the wheel as they entered the town of Boise. It was a warm spring day and they had the truck windows open, enjoying the fresh air. As they drove down a side street, they heard the scream of a young child. Gerren slammed down on the brakes and they skidded to a stop. They stuck their heads out the truck windows, listening for the sound to be repeated. It was, it was coming from an old warehouse, the doors and windows were boarded up.

A boy screamed, "Don't hit me again, please don't hurt me!"

The three young men were out of the truck in a flash and ran towards the old building. Ripping off the boards covering the door with their bare hands, they saw a boy being beaten by two men wielding lengths of rope. All three began to shimmer and enter their change as Great Warriors. Gerren leaped at the two men, pinning them to the ground and Terry picked up the small boy in his arms. James spotted two more boys cowering behind a pillar and went to them, enveloping them in his arms.

Terry roared, "HOW DARE YOU ASSAULT MINE CHILD!" A bolt of fire shot out of his sword and both men collapsed, their eyes staring upward, unable to move or make a sound.

The boy that Terry was holding said through his tears, "da d, daa Did Mr. Michael send you to save us?"

Terry and the others began to resume their human shapes, he replied gently to the boy, "Yes, Mr. Michael sent us to care for you and all homeless boys."

The boy fainted in Terry's arms, one of the boys James was shielding said, "Please Mister, we's not ate in two days, does you got some food wes kin eat?"

James looked up as Gerren was running towards the truck to retrieve some sandwiches they had in the cooler. The three boys wolfed down the food and were looking for more, Gerren said, "I will be back in a few minutes with some food." He jumped in the truck looking for a grocery store.

Just after Gerren had left, a man in a business suit stepped into the building, "Is one of you, Mr. Terry Donaldson?" Terry replied that he was and the man handed him some papers, showing that Terry owned the building and several more in the immediate area. The man spotted the two thugs laying on the floor. "What are those two doing here, they escaped from County Jail last week!"

James replied, "They should go back right away, they were abusing the boys here!"

The man pulled out his cell phone and called a number, "George, your two escapees are here at Michael's House!" The man then introduced himself, "I am Phil Gorman of Gorman Property Management. We were notified that you were taking over these buildings and that we were to give you any assistance you need. I just called George Caulkins, the County Sheriff. He has been looking for those two since they escaped last week!" The two thugs started to regain conscience and James promptly kicked them again.

Terry began, "Mr. Gorman....."

The man interrupted him, "Please call me Phil, and yes, I know what you are about to do with this building. We will assist you in every manner possible, we also know that you are Warriors of Saint Michael! So also, does George Caulkins."

A tall man entered the building, "What will George Caulkins do?"

Phil turned to him and said, "These are the men we have been waiting for and, YES, they ARE the Warriors of Saint Michael!"

Terry looked at Phil, "You know about us?"

Phil replied, "Oh yes, we have been expecting you. We even have your boys at our homes, waiting to come to you." He continued, "Let me show you about this building." He opened a door and showed them a bunk room with 60 already made-up beds in it. The next door opened into a dining hall and complete kitchen. There were shower and toilet facilities just off the bunkroom and the electricity and other utilities were already turned on. He said, "Just a moment.", and he opened his cell phone, "Tommy, how about sending those trucks of food and clothing over to Michael's House now, Mr. Donaldson and his men are here already."

Terry's head was beginning to swim, "How long have you been waiting for us?"

Phil replied, "We were told that you were coming about two weeks ago. We have collected food and clothing for your boys, anything you need, just give me a call and we will get it taken care of!"

Terry asked, "How many boys do you have for us already?"

Phil replied, "We have 51 boys plus the three that are here already!"


Terry's head was swimming rapidly now, everything was happening so fast. Gerren arrived, back from his search for some boy food just as two large delivery trucks pulled up to the door. Two men began to carry foodstuffs into the kitchen and two others carried boxes of clean and folded clothes and stacked them in a storeroom down the hall from the bunkroom.

Phil said, "My son, Phil Junior and his partner are coming down to assist you in caring for the boys. Junior is a cook and his partner, Allen is a handyman." He continued, "I will let them tell you their own stories, just know that I love those boys as if they were my very own!"

George returned from taking the two thugs back to County Jail and he had two young men with him. He introduced them as Phil Gorman, Jr. and Allen Caulkins. Phil Junior said, "Sir, I want you to know that Allen and I are together as Life Partners, we will love and protect the boys, but they hold no interest for us."

Terry replied, "You are beloved of Saint Michael, we know our boys will be safe with you." With that said, Junior went to start lunch, as he was fixing a large cauldron of soup and platters of sandwiches. Terry asked, "Why so much food?"

Junior grinned, "I think the reason just arrived!"

Terry heard several large vehicles stop outside their door, when he went to investigate, there were three large school buses discharging boys. The busses had signs on them, "MICHAEL'S HOUSE" and a steady stream of boys were coming inside the building. Allen stood at the door of the dining hall, "Clean your hands before you eat!" He checked the hands of each boy before he would allow them in the dining hall, where bowls and plates were at each place. Junior and two older boys were wheeling a cart around the room, ladling chicken gumbo soup into each bowl. Soon, the only sound to be heard was the clanking of spoons against the bowls as the boys ate their soup and sandwiches.

As Terry and James stood in the doorway, they felt a little hand reach into their own. They looked down and there were three little, very dirty boys standing there, "Please mister, can yous spare usins some food, we ain't et since last Sunday, sir."

They gathered up those boys, dirt and all and held them tightly, "Yes, you can have all the food you want, come and live with us."

The leader of those dirty little boys, Jeremy Tate, was to become a leader among the boys and remain with Terry and James for the remainder of their lives, devoted to his Great Warriors!

Chapter 3 - NEW WARRIORS

The boy population grew in spurts and jumps.

Several days after they had settled the first group in, Junior was taking out some scraps and garbage from his kitchen, as he rounded the end of the building, he discovered four young boys eating from the garbage can! His own childhood flashed through his mind, he dropped to his knees and surrounded the boys with his arms. Tears were coursing down his face as he said, "Boys, come with me and we will get you something to eat and a clean place to sleep." He carried the boys into the kitchen, where Terry had just sat down to a hot cup of coffee. Through his tears, Junior said, "Mr. Terry, sir, I found us four more boys, please let them stay, I will even care for them myself, if they cannot join the bunkroom."

Terry gently took the boys from Junior and called to James to come assist. Both James and Gerren came running into the room, both having heard Terry's anguished mental call. They took the boys upstairs to get them showers and fresh clothing. Terry hugged the distraught young man until he calmed down and his tears slowed, "It's alright, Junior, I know. You will never have to do that again."

The crying young man looked up at Terry, "yu, yo You kkkknow, sir?"

Terry smiled and replied, "Yes, you are Phil Junior now and I believe you and Allen are to be the next Great Warriors!"

Allen burst into the room, his eyes looking terrified. He spotted Junior in Terry's embrace and ran to him, "What is wrong, love, I felt your terror."

As the two looked up, Terry had begun his change, there, before the two young men stood a ten-foot gleaming Warrior, his great sword in his hand with the tip on the floor, "THOU ART MINE WARRIORS, THOU ART MINE COMPANIONS IN CRUSADE TO PROTECT THE CHILDREN!"


Junior stood there, tears coursing down his face. Allen was holding him in his arms, Junior said, "I was a dirty orphan boy, living on the streets. I did not even know my own name and Phillip Gorman took me in, he gave me his name and made me his son."

Allen looked at Terry, "Please, Mr. Terry, ask him no more, his story is too terrible to tell!" Allen's tears were joining Junior's on the floor.

Terry replied softly, "I know both your stories, you have nothing for which to feel shame. St. Michael has accepted you both, you are one with us." Terry held both young men in his arms until their tears had subsided. The two kissed Terry on his cheeks and thanked him.

Allen led Junior upstairs to their room and had him lie down for a while. He came back downstairs and knelt before Terry, "Great Warrior, I have seen you in my dreams, I swear, before Almighty God, that I will follow you for the remainder of my days, I will spend my life in the protection of children." He turned and discovered Junior had followed him back downstairs.

Junior said, "Before God, I join my mate, I pledge my body and my soul to the protection of the children. You are our leader, we, Allen and myself, will follow you for the rest of our days." As the two young men stood, they began to glow as they changed into Great Warriors.

Terry, James and Gerren also changed and drew their swords. James and Gerren touched their swords to the shoulder of each man, while Terry held his high. Terry said, "THOU ART MINE WARRIORS TO COMMAND, THOU ARE WARRIORS OF SAINT MICHAEL the ARCH ANGEL!" A shaft of light appeared from the tip of Terry's Shining Sword and swirled around Junior and Allen's heads.

Both men had tears running down their faces as they knelt and each whispered. "So Help Me, GOD!"

As the men returned to their human shapes, they saw a young man standing in the doorway, his mouth hanging open in awe, he knelt before them and said, "I would serve you, Lords, I am but a poor boy with few skills but I would do your bidding if you would allow me to stay with you."

Terry went to the young man and lifted him to his feet, "We are not lords, we are only simple followers of St. Michael the Arch Angel."

The young man replied, "Sir, my name is Curt, Curt Reynolds, please let me stay, I will do any job, and perform any service that I might serve you."

Terry asked, "What skills have you?"

Curt replied, "I was a clerk in the Navy, sir."

Terry said, "Please, just call me Terry, can you run our office and keep records on the boys?" Curt Reynolds had just become Office Manager for Michael's House!

Over the next several weeks, boys arrived nearly every day. In a short while, the population at Michael's House had risen to 220 boys and Terry was looking at opening a second building next door. He and Gerren went over to the building to check it out, as they opened the door, they heard the scurrying of feet running across the floor above them.

Gerren called out, "Boys, you are not in trouble, come down to us so that we can help you."

A small redhead appeared at the top of the stairs, "You won't hurt us?"

Terry said, "No, we will only feed you and give you a clean and safe place to live."

The little redheaded boy called out, "Kenny is hurt and cannot walk, can one of you carry him down the stairs?"

Gerren raced up the stairs and screamed at what he saw! Immediately he began his change and Terry was changing as he charged up the stairs! There was a child, sitting on a small wooden platform with broken wheels, trying to move himself with his hands. The red-haired boy stood in front of the crippled boy, in a protective stance, "He is my older brother, please do not hurt him!"

The two Great Warriors knelt down and held the two brothers. James came running into the building with Junior and Allen on his heels, all three in the midst of change. They had felt Terry's call for assistance. They had found that the two brothers, Eldon and Kenny Bastion had been abandoned by their parents and had been living in the building for several days, surviving on garbage from the kitchen of Michael's house! They carried the two boys back to Michael's House and bathed them before giving them new clothes and a hot lunch.

As Curt was filling out the paperwork for the two new boys, he asked Terry, "Would a medic be of value here?"

Terry replied, "Yes, do you know of one?"

Curt said, "Yes sir, my twin brother was a Navy Medic, but the only job he has been able to find is as a day laborer digging ditches."

Terry asked, "Where is he right now?"

Curt replied, "In our rented room, he has not had work in the last two weeks."

Terry handed Curt the keys to the truck and told him to go get his twin immediately. When Tandy Reynolds arrived, he took over care of Kenny Bastion, carefully dressing the raw and bleeding stubs of the child's legs. He told Terry to go get a wheelchair for the boy as he tossed the makeshift wooden platform in the trash. Terry called Phil Gorman and explained their need for a wheelchair. That afternoon, Phil brought a motorized electric wheelchair for the boy as well as first aid supplies for Tandy to set up a First Aid Clinic in Michael's House. Terry told the Reynolds Brothers to take the truck and get their things from their rented room, they were to move into a staff room at Michael's House.


Jeremy Tate stood out as a leader among the boys, he asked Gerren if he would help him set up a Corps of Cadets so that they might assist their Warriors. Gerren helped Jeremy set up the Michael's House Cadets. They patrolled the grounds and watched over the smaller boys while they were at play. No stranger was allowed near without challenge!

After finding some more boys living in an empty building and eating from garbage cans, Jeremy detailed one Cadet Squad each week as the Cadet Rescue Squad. He went with them on their first patrol when they found some older boys molesting four small boys. Using sticks as clubs, they drove off the older boys and carried the four boys to Tandy Reynolds.

Jeremy was in tears when Gerren found him, "Mister Gerren, we couldn't keep them from hurting those boys," he sobbed.

Gerren was holding him in his arms as Jeremy cried out his frustration and anger. Gerren said, "Jer, bring four of your biggest Cadets and come back here."

Gerren's mind called to Terry, who replied, "It is your call, follow your heart, Great Warrior."

When Jeremy returned with the four volunteers, Gerren went into change. He stood before the five boys, with his shining sword drawn over their heads, "THOU ART CADETS OF SAINT MICHAEL THE ARCH ANGEL, THEREFORE THOU ART CHARGED TO PROTECT MINE CHILDREN." He turned to Jeremy, "JEREMY TATE, THOU ART MASTER CADET, THESE ART YOUR OWN TROOPS TO COMMAND IN BATTLE. LET THOSE WHO WOULD HARM MINE CHILDREN BEWARE THE CADET WARRIORS."

Jeremy took his duties seriously, he asked Phil to get some camouflage uniforms and red nametags made up. They wore maroon berets with a white cross on the front and they all carried wooden batons. The Cadets roamed much of the more seedy parts of Boise, rescuing children from dangerous situations. Those that they found to be homeless were taken to Michael's House for care and safety. Local law officers came to rely upon the word and honesty of the St. Michael Cadets and parents soon learned that their children were safe on any street being patrolled by them. As their fame spread, homeless children would seek them out, begging for shelter and care. By Christmas, there were over 900 boys living at Michael's House and Jeremy's Cadets numbered 60 older boys.

Sheriff George Caulkins came to Terry, "We would like to sponsor your Cadets and teach them the appropriate law enforcement techniques that will make them safer and more effective in helping homeless boys."

Terry replied, "You will have to ask the boys themselves, they are self-governing."

George went to speak with Jeremy and Gerren, who both agreed, but they had to ask the House Council first. Two weeks later, the Sheriff's Department held three weekends of "boot camp" for each group of 30 cadets. One weekend a month, an unmarked bright red van toured the area with a deputy sheriff in plain clothes driving, four Saint Michael Cadets in uniform and Tandy Reynolds as medic. Their purpose was to look for homeless boys in outlying areas of the county.

They had stopped at a rest area in the late spring. As they sat eating their lunch, they heard a commotion at one of the picnic sites, suddenly there was a pistol shot and a boy screaming!

The Cadets picked up their batons and went running to the scene. Tandy and the Deputy were trying to keep up with the racing boys, they came up to a picnic shelter just as a man turned a pistol on himself and fired. They found a woman dead under the picnic table and three boys wounded and bleeding. The man was also dead. Tandy performed emergency aid to the boys while the Deputy called for an ambulance.

As they were waiting for help to arrive, they saw Jeremy start to shimmer and glow, he rose to nearly ten feet tall and there was a shining sword in his hand. He strode to the wounded children, "THESE ARE MINE PRECIOUS CHILDREN, THEM I WILL SAVE." The shining apparition touched his sword to each wounded child before returning to his human size.

Little Eldon Bastion called out to Jeremy, "You was glowing and a giant!"

Just then, Terry, James and Gerren arrived, Gerren, said, "Jer, you changed, we felt you become a WARRIOR among us!"

The Deputy came up to them and said, "I was told this might happen, but I did not believe it." The man knelt before Jeremy and said, "Lord WARRIOR, I am yours to command."

Jeremy replied, "We all belong to Saint Michael, the Arch Angel, we are his to command!"

The Deputy later resigned from the Sheriff's Department and became the Security Officer for Michael's House. An enterprising newspaper reporter captured Jeremy on his cell phone camera and the next day his story and an unrecognizable photograph appeared in the Boise Clarion Morning News. The headline read, "A LOCAL LEGEND IS BORN"

Fortunately, Jeremy's features could not be seen in the newspaper picture, but the town folk knew something had taken place involving a boy living at Michael's House. Nothing was said about the three boys who had been shot, but their injuries had been healed before they arrived at the hospital! HOWEVER, the boys of Michael's House knew! Jeremy was their hero and the three boys came to live with them, as both their parents were now dead. Terry and James felt it better if Jeremy came to live with them in their apartment. This was an arrangement that would last their lifetimes.

Everywhere the Cadets went, townspeople waved to them and offered them refreshments while they were on patrol. The events that took place out at the rest area were sufficient that no bullies or thugs were willing to risk the Cadet's wrath. Crimes against children became almost nonexistent. The Cadets continued doing their good deeds and they were asked to help form Cadets Units in the schools.

Jeremy, Eldon and Kevin were at the Elementary School when a fire broke out in the cafeteria. They helped evacuate the children from the classrooms and the teachers held roll call. Seventeen children were not accounted for. As the Cadets raced towards the burning building, the firemen tried to stop them. They could hear children screaming inside the burning building!

Jeremy went into change, and suddenly a ten-foot Great Warrior stood there, howling his anger. The firemen backed away from the terrifying apparition and Jeremy charged into the flames, his Shining Sword scattering burning timbers from his path. Three times he charged into the flames and each time he returned with children wrapped protectively in his arms. He brought out all the children and then returned for the trapped adults. As he returned from his final trip into the raging fire, the building exploded, sending fire into the sky.

Standing at the edge of the crowd was the newspaper reporter, his mouth hanging open in astonishment. He approached Jeremy as he was returning to his human size, the man knelt down before Jeremy and said, "Lord, how may I serve you?"

Jeremy smiled at the man, "Sir, I am not a Lord, I am but a young boy in the service of Saint Michael. If you would serve, report on how boys may be saved by coming to Michael's House, report on how those at Michael's House may be helped by donations, and report on the good things the Boys at Michael's House do for our community."

The reporter was as good as his word, and newspaper articles began to appear telling the community of the good things the Boys of Michael's House were doing for the community and what the community could do to help the boys living at Michael's House. He wrote one article describing his meeting with a "Wonderful Boy", Jeremy Tate and how he had started the Cadets of St. Michael. He said nothing about the wondrous apparition he had seen, but every month he sent a donation in the name of Warrior Jeremy.

By Christmas, there were 2600 boys living at Michael's House. The Cadets had spent months collecting toys and gifts for "THEIR BOYS". Jeremy had a gift for one special boy, Kenny Bastion. Tandy had helped Jeremy obtain a set of prosthetic legs for Kenny, so that he might be freed of his wheelchair.

Christmas morning arrived, and some of the boys had no conception of Christmas Gifts, they stared at the pile of packages in the dining hall. Phil and George came to help distribute the gifts and the newspaper reporter, Robert Carson, arrived to assist, also.

When George called out Kenny's name and brought a large box over to him, he had no idea what to do with it. He had never received a gift before in his short life. Jeremy gently took the box from his hands. All the boys stood watching the event they sensed was unfolding. As the box was opened, Kenny stared, uncomprehending at the objects inside the box. Phil and George unfolded the prosthetics and strapped them to Kenny's little legs. With Eldon on one side and Jeremy on the other, Kenny stood on his own legs for the first time since his accident! Robert Carson took a picture that appeared in the next day's newspaper, "MICHAEL'S HOUSE RESIDENT WALKS AGAIN!" Within a few days, Kenny was walking everywhere. He asked Jeremy if he could become a St. Michael Cadet and they held a special induction for him.

Again, Robert Carson made sure that Kenny's picture hit the newspaper! With his brother Eldon's help, Kenny was to become the guide for local handicapped children. Robert eventually quit his job with the newspaper to become a full-time counselor at Michael's House.

Not all was happiness, there was also great sorrow, Little Tony Aquillo was diagnosed with bone cancer and, despite all the doctors who volunteered to treat the little boy, he died an agonizingly painful death six months later. Tony had been a happy, cheerful little boy, loved by all who knew him. His illness and death cast a terrible gloom upon the Boys of Michael's House. The day he died, there were tears and wails throughout the house.

The news spread through the community and local children and their parents gathered, asking what they could do to help. Much of the town walked in the rain to attend his burial, their heads bowed and faces filled with tears. The townsfolk took up a collection that was used to fund a Children's Cancer Ward at the local hospital, The Tony Aquillo Memorial Children's Ward.

Several years passed and the population at Michael's House finally stabilized at around 3500 boys. As boys reached their majority and graduated, new boys arrived. Many graduates stayed in the area and maintained contact, forming an Alumni Association that supported Michael's House, providing scholarships for boys to attend college or university, activities and special events.

More and more, the Reynolds brothers, Curt and Tandy assumed management of the House. Both were Great Warriors and much beloved by the boys. Phil and Allen, also Great Warriors, spent much time caring for the boys and providing them with leadership, along with Jeremy. Jeremy was a special Great Warrior, he had been tested by fire and conquered it. Many of the boys called him their Fire Warrior!

Jeremy lived with Terry and James, as a young boy he had become a Great Warrior and they took him in, almost as their son. The six, Terry, James, Jeremy, Gerren, Junior and Allen were as a family. They were having supper together when the lights began to dim and flare as an old man appeared before them. They all knelt, "What is thy will?" they asked of Saint Michael the Arch Angel.

The man began to glow and he stood before them in all his glory, his Great White Wings spread and his Gleaming Sword upraised, "MY GOOD AND FAITHFULL WARRIORS, THOU HAST DONE MY WILL EXCEEDINGLY WELL. GO FORTH FROM HERE, THERE ARE OTHERS WHO HAVE NEED OF YOUR GUIDANCE. THY COURSE IS EAST."

The six men bowed their heads and replied, "Thy will shall be done!

They gathered their few necessary belongings and headed for the parking lot. The news spread like wildfire, and 5000 men and boys gathered assembled on the front lawn, tearing faces on all. The Cadets formed a column on either side of them and the boys and men graduates knelt on the lawn.

Kenny strode out, confident on his new legs and knelt on the walkway, "Lords Warrior", he began, "We know that you do as you must." Tears were flooding his face as he continued, "We will remember you always and pray to Saint Michael the Arch Angel for your safety." The young man could speak no more, his little brother, Eldon, had to help him stand. They both were near collapse in tearful emotion.

As they headed for a new truck parked in front, they were confronted by the townspeople. Word had flashed all over town that their Great and Wonderful WARRIORS were departing! Grown men were sobbing, dry eyes simply did not exist. The boys who had been saved from the school fire were inconsolable and had to be helped by their parents and teachers, who were only slightly less affected.

Phil and George rushed up to bid their sons' goodbye. Phil hugged Junior and said, "Go with God, my son and know that you are my beloved true son." George could hardly speak as he hugged Allen, they just hung on each other until they had to climb into the truck.

As they drove slowly out of town, the streets were lined with town folk, all with tears coursing down their faces. They had become beloved by all who lived there, not just by the boys they had saved!


This ends the story of these wonderful gentle men here in Boise, but their journey is not yet over.