After The Game

Copyright 2009 Felix_P

Canadian to American Glossary

A reader who posted a message on the Fort Family Readers Forum suggested I develop a glossary from my story After The Game to point out the differences in Canadian terms and spelling. I shall add to this glossary as the story evolves.

Temperature in Farenheit degreesTemperature in Celsius degrees
Distance Measurement in MilesDistance Measurement in Kilometres
Spelling - Here are some examples of differences
Terms and other things
CPS Child Protection ServicesCAS Childrens Aid Society
District Attorney - ElectedCrown Attorney - Appointed
Criminal Code - All criminal laws in Canada. They are passed by the Federal Government and apply to all Canadians
Preliminary hearing - a pre hearing to determine if there is enough evidence for prosecution and to hear the accused's plea
Shinny - pick-up hockey. Teams are made up before the game from the available players.
Oldtimers hockey - 35 years of age and over. No body contact and no slapshots
Blocker - Blocking glove - worn on hand that goalies hold their stick with - flat and rectangular
Methodist ChurchUnited Church
Junior HighMiddle School - grades 6-8
Vocational Institutes Community College - a post-secondary vocational institution. Doesn't grant degrees like a university.
Small Claims Court - civil cases where the amount is less than $10,000
OSR - Ontario School Record. Every student in Ontario has one. It keeps all the information about a student from Junior Kindergarten to Grade 12. It goes with the student wherever they attend school.
Road Hockey. Played on the street or in parking lots. Portable nets are usually used, that are smaller than the regulation. Players use a hockey stick, tennis ball and sometimes gloves. No other padding is needed. It is a common pastime with kids in the fall and spring.
Rep (Representative) hockey team - Sometimes called a traveling team, as they are the elite team in a league's age division. It has the best hockey players, that must try out. They play other Rep teams in other cities/towns.
House league team - no tryouts, everyone makes it. Plays other teams in the same age division in the league. Recreational hockey.
Muskoka - resort and cottage area in Northern Ontario
State TroopersOPP. Ontario Provincial Police. Responsible for policing outside of the major urban centres.
MedicareOHIP - Ontario Health Insurance Plan. Every citizen of Ontario is covered under this plan. All hospitals and doctors in the province are part of it. There is little in the way of private health care in Ontario or any other province. Each province has it's own plan, which is similar to Ontario's.
President of the United StatesPrime Minister of Canada