The Wizard Heart

Wizard Gifts

    • Mistake Repair – the ability to repair a damaging physical mistake
    • Time manipulation – the ability to slow time, causes serious drain on the wizard
    • Memory Cleansing - the ability to clean a person’s memory, or remove memories
    • Premonitions - the ability to get feelings about the future and feeling about what others are capable of
    • Memory Manipulation - the ability to manipulate a subjects memory or create new ones without ones knowledge
    • Area Scanning - the ability to scan the surrounding area to know who is in the area
    • Empathic- the ability to feel another’s emotions, the ability to feel what others are thinking
    • Energy Balls- the ability to form energy balls to use as weapons
    • Truth- the ability to tell is someone is telling the truth or lying
    • Force Truth- the ability to force the truth out of others, makes it impossible to lie to the person who has this gift.
    • Insight Hiding - the ability to hide from others in plain sight
    • Compulsion – the ability to compel someone to do ones bidding
    • Voice Throw - the ability to send your voice out to others, even in other rooms
    • Animal Communication - the ability to communicate with animals, normally the ability to talk with small mammals, but some have been known to talk to bears, large cats, or snakes
    • Chameleon - the ability to change ones appearance for short times, this could become harmful as it drains the Wizard
    • Speed - the ability to double ones speed
    • Freeze Feet - the ability to freeze someone where they stand, only freezes the person’s ability to move their legs
    • Machinery - the ability to control machinery
    • Telepathy - the ability to communicate without speaking, normally both persons have to have the ability, but with The Wizard Heart, both do not
    • Fear Projection - the ability to use someone’s deepest fear against them, this gift is normally used as a defense, some dark wizards use it as a form of torture
    • Geolog - The gift to control rocks and gems
    • Pyro - the ability to control fire
    • Hydro - the ability to control water
    • Weather Bug- the ability to control the weather, only for a very short time, and completely drains the Wizard
    • Self Armor - the ability change your skin to an armor
    • Hydro Breath - the ability to breath underwater
    • Minor Healing - the ability to heal minor injuries
    • Projection - the ability to project a copy of yourself to fool others
    • Levitation - the ability to make an object float without touching, this gift is rare
    • Problem Solving - the ability to look at others problems and find a solution almost immediately

Wizard Heart Abilities

  • Aura Sight- gives the ability to see the aura around a Wizard, the different color given off is the Class ranking of the Wizard, a Wizard Heart ability
  • Breath- the ability to control someone’s breathing, a Wizard Heart ability
  • Heart- the ability to control someone’s heart rate, a Wizard Heart ability
  • Armor- the ability to put up and armor around something or a person, a Wizard Heart ability
  • Healing- the ability to heal major injuries, a Wizard Heart Ability




I would really like to thank THE STORY LOVER for editing this work for me. Please let me know what you think.


Comments appreciated at Darrin Thomas