The Wizard Heart



  • Dexas- The future King of the Wizard world
  • Mintanka - The rare naturally accruing special bond between a young Wizard and his trainer. This is the highest honor a Wizard Trainer can have. The soul of the Student and Teacher are joined the first time both chests were connected (like a hug)
  • Ietanka- The Teacher in the Mintanka
  • Ketanka- The Student in the Mintanka
  • Janius – Mother of the King
  • Copus Dubuquas - Commander of the King’s Guard
  • Dubuquas- The King’s Guard
  • Maxus- First advisor to the King. Normally titled "General" in early times this was the General of the King’s Armies
  • Mubuquas- Special Guard to the Maxus
  • Miluis- prearranged escort for the King. Acts in the roll of hostess for all the King’s gatherings, typically the same age as the King. This position goes away when/if the King marries
  • Pililuis- An Adult assistant to the Miluis, typically the Miluis’ Mother
  • Garpet- The human keeper of The Wizard Heart. This person is normally from a well off family who has ties to the Human government. Presents The Wizard Heart normally at the coronation of the Dexas.
  • Monco- The head Wizard in an area. Like a tribal leader. This is the highest ranking Wizard, where there are more than one of the same rank, the Monco is voted into the position. Normally this is for life, unless there is a challenge though the Wizard Council
  • Khil- Means Child, normally a child in the family, but not a biological child
  • Shielo- an Adult Wizard advisor to the King, head of the High Court
  • Kahneu- a younger apprentice to a member of the High Court.
  • Neoielo- High Court Legal Services, only Non High Court Member
  • Docy- High Court Minister of Health
  • Scohoe- High Court Minister of Education
  • Khiclock- High Court Minister of Family Services
  • Porkha- High Court Minister of Elderly Affairs
  • Marccesites Treaty-Signed in 1698 by Russia, England, and Spain with King Saluzzi. The treaty allowed the Wizard world to fall into the background with the protection of the other governments. The other governments would help protect the knowledge of the Wizards from the common people. Was adopted by the United Nations upon formation and the Wizards were given a seat. The governments would agree to lease the Wizards lands at one ounce of silver per 100 acres of land until 3000 AD. The lands were the New World, the United States, and Russia. The monies are split 1/3 to the Wizard Council and 2/3 to the King, if no King is in place for more than 500 years, the full amount falls to the Council.
    • ,219,392,000 Acres in Russia
    • ,379,964,800 Acres in United States
    • ,599,356,800 Acres owed on
    • 16.33 current cost of one Ounce of Silver
    • 1,077,674,965.44 owed to the Wizard World per year
    • 717,731,526.98 is the Kings portion
    • 359,943,438.46 is the Wizard Council’s portion
  • Inhibitors- an electronic device to prevent any Wizard to use their gifts, created around 1920 due to the amount of Wizards who used their Gifts to escape from prisons.
  • High Court- This is like the President of the United States’ Cabinet



I would really like to thank THE STORY LOVER for editing this work for me. Please let me know what you think.


Comments appreciated at Darrin Thomas