The Wizard Heart

List of Characters

WizardsNon WizardsDeceased

  • Gerald Kerry61 year old Widowed father of Sherry Grandpa to Elijah, (Non Wizard) Retired US Army Sergeant Major
    • Sherry Kerry33 year old Single mother of Elijah (Non Wizard)
      • Elijah (Eli) Everett Kerry11 years old, 4’5" tall 63 Lbs, 6th grader. Owner of Eli’s Fish House, (Class I Wizard)
  • Matt Kahne61 year old best friend to Gerald Kerry, Honorary Uncle to Sherry and Eli, also a widower (Non Wizard) Retired US Army Master Sergeant
  • Daniel Martin63 year old friend of Gerald Kerry. Class IV Wizard, Old army buddy who once saved Gerald’s life while serving in the Army. Retired US Army Sergeant First Class
  • Stephen Hunt34 year old Science teacher at Elm Grove Middle School (Class III Wizard) Lead trainer for the Wizard Council
  • Karen Hunt30 year old wife of Stephen Hunt (Class IV Wizard)
    • Melinda Hunt - Daughter of the Hunts – three year old (Class ?? Wizard)
    • Cody Messner (Hunt)- 12 years old. Eli’s neighbor whom picked on him. Foster child of Karen and Steven Hunt, to be adopted (class IV Wizard)
  • David Hunt34 year old Twin brother to Stephen, Physical Education and Science teacher, served 8 years as a US Navy corpsman. Lead Council Trainer {LCT} for the Wizard Council (Class III Wizard)
  • Max Hunt 92 years old Uncle to Kelly, David and Steven, trainer to all three Hunt children former LCT. (Class III Wizard)
  • Kelly Hunt-Higgins- 38 years old Sister to the Hunt Twins. Lives in FL (Class IV Wizard)
  • Eric Higgins – 39 Married to Kelly Hunt-Higgins (Class IV Wizard)
    • Donnie Higgins – 10 years old, (Class ?? Wizard)
    • Cassie Higgins - 8 years old (Class ?? Wizard)
  • Katrina Miller – deceased Unmarried birth mother to Eli, Killed by a drunk driver (Class III Wizard)
  • Todd Everett- deceased Unmarried birth father to Eli, killed with his entire family, except for a younger sister, when the family house burned down during the night (Class III Wizard)
  • Melvin Perkins- Non Wizard, owner of the moving company that moved Eli’s fish
  • Brent Holmes- Non Wizard, Supervisor for the Moving Company, will become Pilot
  • Ron Martin- 38 years old Principle at Dyersville Middle School (Class IV Wizard) widowed
    • Ryan Adam Martin- 11 years old Ron Martin’s son (Class IV Wizard)
  • Nevin Mills – 39 year old Sheriff of Johnson County, Dyersville is the county seat. (Class IV Wizard)
  • Melonie Mills – 40 year old wife of Sheriff Mills (Class III Wizard)
    • Nora Cora Mills – 11 Years Old, Twin (Class III Wizard)
    • Noah Colby Mills – 11 Year Old, Twin (Class III Wizard)
    • Mitch Charles Mills – 17 year old (Class IV Wizard)
  • Maggie Mills- Nevin Mills Mother
  • Dawn Pilgram- sister to Maggie Mills
  • Thomas Mayfield – Non Wizard 38 year old Lawyer
  • Cindy Mayfield – Non Wizard 38 year old Lawyer
    • Jeremy Mayfield – 11 year old Non Wizard
    • Jessie Mayfield – 9 year old Non Wizard, right leg amputated above the knee due to bone cancer, currently in remission
  • Danny Mears- 45 year old CPA
  • Mrs. Erin Mears – 45 year old History Teacher – Mom to Evan Mears and Aunt/adopted Mom to Stacy
    • Evan Mears – 11 year old Non Wizard
    • Stacy Linden-Mears – 11 year old Non Wizard, cousin to Even Mears, Adopted by the Mears
  • Parker Evens – 28 year old Sheriff Deputy (Class III Wizard) Orphaned as a young teen
  • Judge Russell Tucker – 52 year old Dyersville & Johnson County Area Monco, and district Judge (Class III Wizard)
  • Mrs. Agatha Johnson – 68 year old Non Wizard Lunch room worker. Tries to get her grandson to bully smaller kids. Daughter married a Wizard
      • Chad Dawson – 13 year old school bully/ anti bully (Class V Wizard)
  • Peter Costas - 47 year old Non Wizard District Attorney
  • Robert "Bob" White – 62 year old owner of Whites Office Supply store, becomes a huge fan of Eli’s drawings (class IV Wizard)
    • Mr. Tom Stewart- 36 year old Math Teacher at the middle school, Stepson to Bob White, Single parent (Class III Wizard)
      • Amanda Stewart- 16 years old. Daughter of Mr. Stewart, Dates Mitch Mills. (Class IV Wizard)


ELI’S Teachers / Schedule


  • Mrs. Patrick – 52 year old English Teacher
  • Mrs. Mears – 45 year old History Teacher – Mom to Evan Mears and Aunt/adopted Mom to Stacy
  • Mr. Stewart – 36 year old Math Teacher (Class III)
  • Mr. Gordon – 29 year old Art Teacher (Class V) Melonie Mills younger brother
  • Mrs. Tate – 39 year old Computer Tech Teacher
  • Mr. Harvick (coach) – 54 year old Gym(MWF)/Health teacher(TTH)
  • Mr. David Hunt – (DAD) Science
  • Mrs. Blaney – 64 year old Study Hall Teacher




I would really like to thank THE STORY LOVER for editing this work for me. Please let me know what you think.


Comments appreciated at Darrin Thomas